vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Healthies chokolate cake I have had

A friend made this chokolate cake for me. It's a version of swedish (I think) kladdkaka and it's the best diet-cake I have had in my life. And I love cake. And I hate dieting.

I'm sorry about the measurements, its direct translated using google translate.

Servings: 1 cake, square shape (about 23 x 23 cm) or round shape (23-26 cm diameter)

Time: 45 min

1 can (400 g) cooked black beans

1 cup rolled oats

2 tablespoons cocoa

3 tablespoons coconut oil (preferably with taste)

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 cup (70g) agave syrup

4 tablespoons of oat cream

1 cup chopped Brazil nuts

possible coconut

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Mix the beans.

2. Pour the remaining ingredients except nuts. Mix to a smooth batter.

3. Fold in the para nuts in the batter.

4. Grease a mold with coconut oil, and sprinkle with coconut flakes, if you like.

5. Spread batter in pan and bake in middle of oven for about 15 minutes.


Melt about 50 ounces chocolate (70%) and brush over the cake after it has cooled. Let the chocolate harden and then cut into bars. Perfect for afternoon coffee or when you just got the munchies.

Don't worry about it being sticky in the middle, it's part of the idea, it's not supposed to be all done.

Healthies chokolate cake I have had

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