vendredi 24 octobre 2014

Democrats now party of rich, Repubs now party of the people

It used to be that the Democrat party was the party of the little guy--the guy that was just trying to get by in life. The guy who worked hard and got little in return. The guy who's circumstances in life were not the best and who was trying to do better.

Now it's COMPLETELY reversed. Now, the Democrat party is the party of billionaire Zuckerberg, who is trying to give your jobs away to foreigners and depress your wages. It's the party of the big business calling for cheap labor, increased work visas, outsourcing. Meanwhile the Republican is the party of the little guy struggling to get by--the working mom or dad who's fighting against low wages and an extremely bad job market, struggling to pay the bills and put food on the table.

The Democrat party is now the party that stands for foreigners coming in and taking over the country, while Republicans stand for those who are trying to keep their country.

Democrats now party of rich, Repubs now party of the people

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