samedi 25 octobre 2014


I hope it's OK for this thread to go here, because I didn't know where to put it. I've done a search and can't find another on this subject as yet.

Pinterest is a website where you can pin any image/link to another website. It also allows you to pin other peoples pins, but also to send them to friends. It is free to join, but do be aware if you log in using your facebook account your name will be on your pinboards and thus shown to the world. I choose not to log in, in that way, and such use a handle.

I spend a great deal of time on pinterest, and have a huge amount of boards and pins on various subject from survival psychology, to nursing etc.

Does anyone else have a pinterest account, and what subjects do you pin?

So far I've seen:


Needlework, tayloring, crafts,

Carpentry stuff and recycling furniture

Nursing and carer skills - in depth stuff by the students of.

Architectural plans

Pantry porn

Cooking, recipes



Pet evacuation kits

I use it a lot like google search, if I need to find something I look at pinterest first, to see what others have found on it. It is usually a good link.

I'd love to here how you use pinterest for your preps etc.

Here's the website for those who have yet to find it's joys:


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