mardi 28 octobre 2014

EOTWAWKI and people with glasses

So, I am a person whose eyes aren't the greatest. I have been wearing glasses since the 5th grade (now 34), and contacts for the last 3 years. I have to think that glasses/contacts wearing people are going to have a rough go in an EOTWAWKI scenario.

I hate, hate, HATE wearing glasses. They bend, they fog up, you can't see squat in rain or snow. Contacts are great...except for the fact that you have to take them off every night and they dry out easily or after long periods of time. I for one, do not want to put my fingers in my eyes while this scenario is going on.

I have my glasses and a backup pair in my posession. That's it. But the backups are an old prescription. Anyone that wears glasses knows that once you put on an old pair, headaches are a common companion, not to mention things get blurry.

I can't see a thing without anything helping my eyes. What happens if my good pair of glasses breaks? What happens if I lose them? I won't be able to hunt or be completely able to see my surroundings. That leaves me in a not so great situation that just got a whole lot worse.

And I'm pretty much ruling out contacts. I mean, I'd ride them out til the very last minute, but if you fall asleep with them in and wake up and have to move move move, trying to get your eyes to open and adjust the contacts takes a lot of time. They need drops. But, seriously, how many bottles of that will I take?

Anyway, just seeing what people think.

EOTWAWKI and people with glasses

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