lundi 27 octobre 2014

Is Ebola the pefect stom for Obama?

I received this hideous email (The fear mongering type) that was narrated by an adult male that couldn't pronounces words like cholera. I'll bet most of you have it sitting in your in box.

His premise is that Ebola is the flash point for Obama to attain martial law. I wouldn't have listened to as much of the video as I did had I not heard of FEMA buying millions of cheap plastic coffins. As painful as it was to sit through a majority of this person's video with a 3rd grade vocabulary, mispronouncing words like skeptical (Skepable) he claims Obama is against a travel ban to allow ISIS(Whom he pronounced "Icy" to enter our country across the southern boarder. He also claims Ebola is airborne now.

Eventually he got to the point where he was selling "Survival" DVDs like the Pandemic lady on Doomsday Preppers. Since even a broken clock is correct twice a day; I must ask:

"What are your thoughts on Ebola as a Biological weapon of use by ISIS"?

Is Ebola the pefect stom for Obama?

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