mercredi 29 octobre 2014

What can we do to prep medically and physically? (teeth, eyes, body, etc)

New(ish) prepper here...

Some of the threads I've been reading on SB have refreshed my concerns about post SHTF medical care. So lately, I've been making sure my teeth are cavity free and healthy, packing extra glasses in my bug-out bags, rethinking my physical workouts and even looking into alternative medical and care methods. Something simple like a bad tooth can kill you if not taken care of!

What are the top home remedies or fitness advice that beginner preppers should read up on? There's so much out there, it's hard to narrow it down and get started.

I've bought pamphlets on medicinal plants, am researching things like oil pulling and apple cider vinegar (do these work?), and am trying to prevent the need for any future medications. I'm seriously considering vision correction surgery (even though my sight isn't too bad) and a few other preventative moves. I also bought inexpensive Rx swimming goggles... never know when you'll need a more protective prescription eye cover. haha

My biggest problem is that I'm unorganized. My ideas are all over the place so I probably need stocking goals that fits my budget and a physical fitness plan that meets long-term goals.

I've realized there's little point in stockpiling food and ammo if my body and mind aren't ready when SHTF. :o:

What can we do to prep medically and physically? (teeth, eyes, body, etc)

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