jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Mental Illness

While it would probably come as a shock to those around me, I don't actually prep for myself. I have enough food to feed 9 people (my immediate family) for four months, and I don't intend to touch any of it.

I am severely mentally ill. I am also a recovering alcoholic and addict. When TSHTF, I will be forced to go off all my medications. Right now with pills I am kept in a sort of stable condition, but without them my mind would quickly deteriorate.

I prep and teach my family how to survive so that they can carry on when I'm not around anymore. When the world ends, I plan to walk off into the woods and end with it.

Mental Illness

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

RV Appliance Questions

Don't eat me, please? I legitimately am asking for help/opinions. Have never seen these things before in my LIFE.

The Ram and I have (hopefully) four years living in these two rooms, gathering about $3000/year towards the down payment and transfer taxes of a home. The life style is sparse, but totally worth the goal. All that needs to happen now is for me to keep my job, and have the landlord living here, paying the mortgage and utilities. *crosses fingers*

If Ram's able to do the "making money through the You tube thing" that others have been able to chip out (wishing for about $4/day or higher) then we're even more than able to meet what we want to do. If not then it's not the end of the world.

Landlord has a HOA that's stupid strict, no flame (just like the apartment) outside except propane. No real garden, either, which was promised us before we moved. Fuuuuuuuudge. Even our container garden must be dismantled every winter. What kind of place is this?! Four years. That's it. Then we have our own place.

I have been wanting to set us up with a small solar system, and was able to get a battery pack, 20 watt panel, and a little wee charge controller. Have also been playing with ideas to expand, and make use of such a small system. The battery pack is 24 volt, 600 watts. I understand there's a 'step down' way of doing things, but need help figuring on this.

Came across this web page. Was utterly charmed. Have no idea how much energy they need; we do solar cooking when the sun shines, but at 42 degrees, especially in the winter, it's hard. If I could capture a little more sun in the battery... what do you good folk think?

If I'm totally off base, hey, willing to listen/learn. Again, I'm a sheep. It's hard to type with these hooves, and I'm really timid. If you have something to offer as help, THANK YOU.

We're honestly trying to become self-sustaining, and the end goal is to that purpose. I truly wish that The Management here will pop in that forum so that questions like this can be answered there. I feel so dumb. XD

Thank you again!

RV Appliance Questions

Best state to live

I am a New York redneck. Very rural. I can shoot deer with my AR10, off my porch, in my underwear, while sipping bourbon. At least I could until our pond scum governor made it illegal to possess the AR10. ( I can still sip bourbon in my u underwear ) Upon retirement I'm leaving this God forsaken but beautiful state. I am looking for:

1- Rural (read low population density) farming / hunting woodland

2- Great deal of personal freedom. Including firearm ownership, CCW, castle law, no BS building permits for every small project on my own property

3- Good hunting

4- Low taxes

5- Mostly white residences

6- Change of seasons BUT short winter (compared to NY 5month winter)

7- And NO LIBERAL A$$holes. (Ok maybe that's a little more than I can expect )

Seriously - listening to all opinions on the subject I want to start looking around so that I'm prepared upon retirement.

Best state to live

jeudi 13 novembre 2014

Should 22Mag be taken seriously as a defensive caliber?

When 30 carbine was introduced during WW2, many called it inadequate. It became massively popular, and not just with the rear echelon troops. Far from the sheer power of the 30-06, it was more useful to a radio operator, a cook or a typist. Likewise, *22WMR is nowhere near the power of 223Rem (already deemed[.....]

Read the full article here...

Should 22Mag be taken seriously as a defensive caliber?


many of us know about the depopulation and agenda 21.

i just started watching a show on Netflix called the 100... they talk about depopulation like it is necessary and those that volunteer to be depopulated are doing it for the good of everyone

i was surprised they started planting depopulation seeds into people's minds


mercredi 12 novembre 2014

How will you get more water after a disaster?

While it's a great idea to have as much water on hand as possible, it's obviously heavy and bulky. In my new home, we'll have about 150 gallons of fresh water on hand between food-grade HDPE drums and our water heater, plus whatever is frozen in our refrigerator.

Our home will be located about 1/2 mile from a significant river. Driving close to it might be possible, but after a disaster, I don't want to be driving anywhere unnecessarily. So I'm thinking of just walking back and forth on dark nights with 5 gallon buckets periodically.

I'm sure that many here have wells, but you need to have means in place to get the water out. I fear that many do not.

So what are your plans on acquiring more water?

How will you get more water after a disaster?

Good portable jump starter

This weekend I was up in the middle of nowhere and my battery was dead when I went to start. Had cables but no one around to jump it. Had to have my wife drive 3 hrs with a little 4 wheeling one way to jump me. So I decided I should carry one of those jump starter boxes. What is one you recommend?

Another thing is never shoot all your ammo. Was up in the middle of nowhere where there are large numbers of coyotes and big hairy dudes who might want to rub my whale eye and all I had was some expensive clubs!

Good portable jump starter

Ground Blinds Back in Vogue

What goes around comes around even with hunting equipment, and hunting strategies. Before the advent of the ever popular tree stands that we see everywhere in the woods today, deer hunters used to hunt on the ground. Many of the old black and white photos of early deer hunters showed them sitting on tree stumps,[.....]

Read the full article here...

Ground Blinds Back in Vogue

When It Comes to Choosing a Carry Gun, Size Matters

When one body exerts Force (Mass X Acceleration) on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body. – Isaac Newton All too often, I hear new shooters say that they do not like recoil so they want to buy a small dinky[.....]

Read the full article here...

When It Comes to Choosing a Carry Gun, Size Matters

Getting into DIY auto repair as a complete beginner

Hey guys,

So the wife and I have been talking a lot about expanding our skill sets to reduce our dependency on others and be more self-reliant. One such skill that keeps coming up again and again is basic automotive maintenance.

I've done a little preliminary research, but most of what I seem to find is either a) super-specific tips geared toward individual models of vehicles, or b) pitches for mechanics classes at vocational colleges. As much as I'd love to take a full auto repair class, I don't have the time or funds, so I'm hoping for a more self-directed auto repair education.

What would you recommend for someone with ZERO experience in car/vehicle maintenance to get their feet wet with the basics? Any books I should read etc.?

Thanks in advance for your advice/suggestions.

Getting into DIY auto repair as a complete beginner

Race War, the other side

White guy smacks black girl in NYC subway


This is just wrong. Someone needs to contact Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and start planning protests.

Run The Republicans are coming


Get out to the polls in November and vote these lazy racist di**wads out of office.

Race War, the other side

Cheers from MN

Hello from Minnesnowta. Looking forward to exchanging information with ya'll.


Cheers from MN

Is the NRA Basic CCW course setting people up for failure?

Concealed carrying is a marriage of mindset, safety, and skills. Although the NRA course spends time talking about safety, the other two are severely neglected. Having a permit and handgun imparts no knowledge by themselves, only a sense of false confidence if you don't train beyond that.

A handgun fight is an ugly, brutal affair. You're going to be at extreme close range with your assailant(s) and can expect to take a bullet in the exchange. You also need to understand that you will be accountable for every round you send downrange.

I'm probably going to step on some toes, but I'm of the opinion that the basic CCW course doesn't go far enough to create competent shooters. Quite the opposite, I think it creates a population of overly confident gun owners who think they have all the training they need. They will probably never shoot more than a few boxes of handgun ammo in a static setting in their lifetimes.

Years ago, I took the basic course in CT. We spent 2-3 hours covering the firearm and range safety. We then proceeded to the range next door and emptied a magazine or two. I was then signed off and became legal to carry. I never did, btw.

Last year, my wife and I started shooting on a serious basis and took a more advanced handgun class. It was an 8 hour affair that covered the NRA basics in the morning session and was a repeat of what I'd done 15 years prior. But then moved well beyond that after lunch. We shot about 400 rounds from retention, while moving, from cover, and, as a final drill, from a car. The entire time you were yelled at and always felt a step behind. The idea was to put stress on you to make the training feel more realistic. I have to say that I didn't like it at the time, but later grew to appreciate the training value of that level of intensity.

I think this, at a minimum, should be what's required in order to carry a handgun.

With the current bar being much lower, I think there's too many people lacking fundamental skills who are a liability to themselves and potentially others around them if the shooting starts.

Is the NRA Basic CCW course setting people up for failure?

I-594 I Will Not Comply protest December 13th

Calling all Washingtonians!

Saturday December 13th @ 11 am on Capital grounds.

In the news

We have marched on the capital before armed. Let's do it right this time with large numbers.

Please try to make time and bring the family. We have had no issues in the past with these protest as gun owners are a very responsible lot.

We need to show them that this law is unenforceable.

I-594 I Will Not Comply protest December 13th

Prepper v. survivalist? Are these two categories often too interchangeable?

My own personal thoughts:

What is a prepper?

What is a survivalist?

I often hear these terms being used interchangeably and or mesh together to describe someone's activities, perceptions, belief system etc;

I often wonder myself if the boundary between the two is not defined enough to where some people miss the grand scheme of things of the whole concept.

Are we talking about evolving from stage to stage meaning one can be a prepper first then survivalist or a survivalist first then a prepper like some sort of PREREQUISITE? Or are they just two equals side by side to feed off each other for optimal preparation?

Now for the most important consideration and hopefully one of my intended themes of this thread: Is it dangerous to be a prepper and not a survivalist?

I can elaborate more, but let me just get to the point and put it like this: Why even waste your time, energy, money, resources, and brain power if you are just going to pack your garage, basement, or whatever bug in location with supplies, water, medicine, and food if that is as far as you are willing to go? I think you are just creating a cache for others to take in a severe SHTF situation. This is why self defense training, refining your hunting/fishing skills, learning outdoor survival skills, primitive technology and gathering skills, gun smithing skills, natural healing, basic first aid, physical training, etc (I can go on and on) are far more important than hoarding a bunch of "Stuff" in your home. That is the difference to me anyways. A prepper alone is a hoarder and a survivalist is a skill set that is actually applied to find some sort of perfection or proficiency.

So just to stream line the discussion based on the criteria that I presented. Do we have too many preppers and not enough survivalists in this movement or on this forum? Or are we just repeating what we read from the few who are actually putting these learned skills into application? Its all a work in progress I know, but as overwhelming as it maybe with the usual day to day responsibilities what is more of a priority when one is newbie? I would say 1 month of supplies first and then proceed with learning one important skill at a time to achieve mastery or some sort of proficiency as my advice or approach anyways, but here I really do not see too many threads focusing on details of actual survivalist skills. Yes, I know they are out there (alot of hunting threads, self defense, etc), but you have to filter through all the politics, opinions columns, racing baiting thoughts, Obama hatred, the ever popular this firearm is better "because" op eds, and of course my favorite "The world is coming to end because of Ebola, Obamacare, or economic collapse" etc;

So, for the sake of newbies, novices, or just interested parties like myself: Where are the real survivalists and what is your specialty so we know what threads to follow? (2nd theme)

Also, any thoughts on survivalist v. prepper discussion or if there is even any validity to it? (3rd theme)

Prepper v. survivalist? Are these two categories often too interchangeable?

12 Unspoken Rules of being a Liberal


There may be no official rule book for being a liberal, but that doesn't mean there aren't rules. There are actually quite a few rules liberals go by and the more politically active liberals become, the more rigidly they tend to stick to their own code of behavior. These rules, most of which are unspoken, are passed along culturally on the Left and viciously enforced. Ironically, many liberals could not explain these rules to you and don't even consciously know they're following them. So, by reading this article, not only will you gain a better understanding of liberals, you'll know them better than they know themselves in some ways.

This article was spot on, in my opinion. I'm beginning to believe that liberalism actually is a mental disorder.

12 Unspoken Rules of being a Liberal

mardi 11 novembre 2014

Today is a sad day: I accidentally killed my Sourdough Babies

Today is a sad day: I accidentally killed my Sourdough Babies

Yep, you heard that right. I accidentally killed off my sourdough starter. We were getting low on our sourdough bread and batches of pancakes, so I took my starter out of the fridge and was letting it warm up so I could feed them.

The temperature in the kitchen had dropped here in the desert lately, so I figured I would put them into oven with the oven light on to warm them up. So, I pushed them right up next to the oven light where it's nice, and warm, and cozy for my little fellows, right?

Well, I forgot about them for a few hours and I came to check on them and the plastic (large peanut butter) jar was warped and twisted, and the my Lil' Sourdough Babies liquid had kind of turned brown, and didn't look nice bubbly as usual, and they had an off smelled, too... Yikes! Oop's! What a dumb-ass I am

Now, we've been without our daily pancakes, and sourdough bread to snack on. Usually, I will make around three dozen pancakes, and two loaves of bread a week. Just about every meal either has pancakes, or sourdough bread in it, and now we are lost for what to eat. We have become so accustomed to always having sourdough around that we are lost. We take turns opening a cabinet, or the fridge, and we just stair into it trying to figure out what to eat, now. Ha! Ha!

Now, I am on my second day of starting a new sourdough starter batch (those little guys are like part of the family), and I am just now getting a little rise out of them, and that ol' familiar acidic beer scent we love so much. Then our lives can get settled back down to normal and all will be well.

Today is a sad day: I accidentally killed my Sourdough Babies

Chinese Eneloop problems

A knowledgeable fellow over on candlepower forums has been comparing the new Chinese Eneloops with the new 4th gen Japanese Eneloops. He is reporting differences. This is early news and you may wish for further corroboration on this. But I trust him, he is an established reputable member over there. In fact he writes the code for an Australian shop that makes high quality smart chargers for LDS NiMh batteries like Eneloops. Look for Power Me Up in this thread:

Here are a couple of SB discussions for background info. There are many other discussion here about eneloops.

AmazonBasic rechargeable AA's are really Eneloops

Newest Eneloops at Costco

Genuine 4th generation Japanese Eneloops made for North America will say Made in Japan on the sleeve. The fine print will be in both English and French.

The original Eneloop factory is now owned by Fujitsu. Indeed Fujitsu makes quality AA's just the same as 4th generation Eneloop.

Eneloop AA BK-3MCC 1900mAh (White) is the same as FDK- Fujitsu AA HR-3UTA 1900mAh (White). Comparison test confirms identical performance. Same Candlepower thread.

The new Costco packs are genuine 4th generation Japanese Eneloops.

The AmazonBasics are still considered equivalent to Eneloop 2nd generation.

Panasonic will be introducing a new Eneloop color pack this late November. Look for Eneloops in forest colors. Nope, sorry, no camouflage at this time.

That's all I've got.

Chinese Eneloop problems

Sandvic 14c28n and Bohler N690

Has anybody had any experience with these European steels?

Sandvic 14c28n and Bohler N690

Interesting article on Gold Prices and Possibilities

I'm not into pm as deeply as most in here so I found this very informative .... as opinions go that is. The managers interviewed offer some interesting correlations between the equity and gold markets that I'll be watching closely.

Take it for what it's worth as usual .....

A final purge to $700? What gold bulls' surrender might look like

"To some, it’s the only true money; to others a near-useless mineral. Which means that gold is always carried along currents of investor emotion.

So when - at what price – might gold’s fans feel sufficiently demoralized by its relentless decline to surrender in a climactic selling purge?

With gold near $1,160 and down around 40% from its 2011 high above $1,900 per troy ounce, the gold bulls’ most ardent arguments have dissipated or even been discredited: Inflation is dormant, the U.S. dollar on the rise, the federal government is solvent and modern civilization abides.

At this point in a bear market, attention turns toward anticipating what “capitulation” might look like – that phase when remaining loyalists surrender hope and liquidate in disgust.

This is the kind of climactic market washout that is only ever clear in retrospect. But while there are inklings that gold has fallen far from favor among traders, if a comprehensive capitulation is to finish this move it hasn’t nearly happened yet.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch investment strategist Michael Hartnett, who has been correctly bullish on stocks and other risky assets in recent years, last week expressed some alarm at the overconfidence of equity bulls (at the expense of gold partisans) in the face of copious global liquidity. He’s on the lookout for a near-term reversal, but only after these markets get to further extremes.

“The big hubristic 'tell,’ will be gold,” he says. “A sudden gap lower in the gold price to below $1,000/oz. should coincide with the final thrust higher in stocks, both indicating capitulation of the ‘stubborn bears,’ the end of the ‘melt- up’ and the next opportunity to get tactically bearish. We increasingly fear next year’s highs in stocks come early.”

Of course, a rapid move below $1,000 for gold would mean serious additional pain and a further loss of at least another 15%.

Mark Dow, a hedge-fund manager who blogs at Behavioral Macro, has been a vocal bear on precious metals since around the time they peaked in 2011, believing gold bugs were using a deeply flawed understanding of the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing program and its impact.

This week, Dow wrote a piece suggesting “the second wave of the [gold] bubble unwind is upon us.” Pointing out that the central-bank money-printing story “has lost its psychological punch, emerging markets have tepid income growth, the dollar is trending stronger, and [higher U.S. interest rates] can only be a headwind.”

He ultimately expects the entire 2007-2011 manic advance in gold will ultimately be undone, which implies gold would return to around $700 per ounce.

One reason Dow figures the market hasn’t yet been cleansed of all hope is that retail-investor flows into the precious metal jumped in recent weeks. And, as the Wall Street Journal describes, small investors are hustling to buy up silver, often known as “poor man’s gold,” as silver prices plumb four-year lows. That’s far from the kind of tossing-in-the-towel action a contrarian bargain hunter would want to see in an asset.

As it happens, this week marks the tenth anniversary of the SPDR Gold Shares exchange-traded trust (GLD), the pioneering vehicle that allowed a broad class of small investors to own an interest in a trove of physical gold. As the following chart shows, outflows have dropped the number of ounces of the yellow metal held in the GLD by 46% since the end of 2012.

While a big drop, this is still more than the trust held on the eve of Lehman Brothers’ failure in September 2008, when gold traded at less than $800. So the public hasn’t nearly reversed its crisis-motivated bet in dollar terms.

On a shorter-term basis, there is evidence that speculator sentiment toward gold is near negative extremes, which could set up a trading bounce in the price.

Speculative funds last week cut their long bets on gold by the greatest amount in two years, just as the Daily Sentiment Index of professional traders hit rock bottom at zero percent bulls on gold-mining stocks. The Central Fund of Canada Ltd. (CEF), a long-tenured portfolio of physical gold and silver, now trades at an 11% discount to its net asset value – the widest shortfall to the dollar value of the metals held since 2001.

Rumors that Russia has been liquidating gold were rife, and - true or not – this is often the kind of scary headline that hit a market when it’s stretched to extremes.

This has some tactical traders playing for a bounce or more, and shares of gold miners (which are heavily exposed to now-declining energy costs) popped by nearly 5% Tuesday.

Yet the problem with handicapping a potential low in gold is that there are no real fundamentals to fall back on. Unlike shares of companies, there is no dividend yield or book value to act as cushion. There is no management to lobby for a restructuring or sale of assets. Gold’s price is reliant not on any intrinsic or accounting value, but on the faith the public places in it, or the lack of faith it has in paper assets.

Nick Colas, chief market strategist at brokerage firm Convergex, this week calculated gold’s price relative to the Standard & Poor’s 500 over the span of decades to place it in some long-run context.

Over the past 30 years, the ratio of the S&P 500 index level to the price of an ounce of gold has averaged 1.86. Currently it stands at 1.57 – so gold isn’t even “cheap” yet relative to U.S. stocks, which trade at an all-time high.

This ratio peaked in 2000 at more than five, with the S&P above 1500 and gold beneath $300, and in the years leading up to the great 2007 “buying opportunity” in gold versus stocks, the ratio was consistently above two.

If Harnett gets his violent spasm of selling that sends gold cracking below $1,000, that ratio would return to that range. Be careful what you wish for, gold bugs."

Interesting article on Gold Prices and Possibilities

Dave Ramsey's system

Has anybody tried Dave Ramsey's all-cash financial system? I have ADHD and thus tend to spend somewhat impulsively, albeit on takeout food and such, not durable items. I am trying to limit myself in how much money a month I spend. I noticed that with a debit card (I do not have a credit card) the money I allot for food disappears in a few days. I was wondering if going to cash would be better. Opinions?

Dave Ramsey's system

Government - Mass Female Sterilization

Just caught the news on a problem with India's population control. I never realized it was so expansive and intensive TBH, I was only aware they had some sort of policy in place. In a rational way, this might be good for the overall population, but it is also biased against poorer families who could use the money. Controversial to say the least


More than 40 million sterilisations were performed in 2013-14, according to the government.


The women are often paid about $25 to have the surgery, a significant amount of money for many of India's rural poor.

I wonder if America would ever adopt such a controversial strategy?

Government - Mass Female Sterilization

Czech Military Surplus M10 Gas Mask w/Bag

Czech Military Surplus M10 Gas Mask w/Bag[MEZ-A4]

Price: $16.99

Czech Military M10 Gas Mask Kit.


◦Sealed never used filters

◦2 (Two) filter pieces

◦Canvas Storage Bag (STYLE OF BAG WILL VARY)

◦Excellent military surplus value

◦Mask are modeled after US M17 gas mask and come with extra eye lens to seal into a quick doff hood

Czech Military Surplus M10 Gas Mask w/Bag

Should I switch scopes on these two rifles?

Here's the deal: I have a CZ527 bolt gun in .223, with a Bushnell Elite 4200 3-9x40 on it, that has no parallax adjustment.

I also have a stainless 580-series Mini-14 with a Bushnell Elite 3200 4-12x40 on it, that has an adjustable objective.

I'm thinking that though the nicer 4200 scope has discernably clearer glass, the CZ is the more accurate, longer range rifle, and would be better with the more powerful scope, especially one that also has parallax adjustment, even though it's a slightly lower-end scope. (I believe build quality is identical, the difference is in lens coatings/clarity ).

The headache would be pulling all the screws, cleaning off any Loc-tite, then re-mounting and re-Loc-titing them, and then having to re-zero them both.

Both rifle/scopes are currently dialed in nicely out to about 100 yards (never fired beyond that.)

I realize this is hardly critical, either way, this is mostly just fine-tuning and playing with toys, most of you can relate to that. But would it be worth the trouble, or should I leave well enough alone?

Should I switch scopes on these two rifles?

mercredi 5 novembre 2014

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Impeachment next?

Fast forward a few months. If the anointed one continues to thumb his nose at the constitution and destroy the economy, at what point will impeachment not only be an option, but an absolute must? Far too many, especially the RINOs say impeachment would only strengthen the lib base and increase turnout in 2016. I must wonder, isn't there enough current, warranted anger to impeach him with the message that it is necessary to save the republic, to hell with his legacy.

Impeachment next?

An animal is most dangerous when wounded

I'm assuming you all know the outcome of the elections. I believe we will see what the Democrats are truly made of before the newly elected people are sworn in.

I believe like Charles Hurt that we have entered the most dangerous and uncertain times since the Civil War. I'm expecting an onslaught of Executive Actions aimed and hurting America so badly that it will take a generation or more to overcome.

Just because Republicans will take control of Congress only means Obama has no reason to cover up his true intentions. He cares nothing for his party, only his radical ideals.

We have now entered the most dangerous and uncertain days of this man's time in office. Now, more than ever is a time to be ready for the most extreme, radical decisions out of that house on Pennsylvania Avenue.

An animal is most dangerous when wounded

9yo girl in wheelchair days after Flu Shot

I can barely get thru this video because when the mother says "THE DOCTORS WONT CONFIRM OR DENY IT BUT ME AND HER FATHER DID RESEARCH AND DETERMINED IT DID" I literally go thru the roof!!!



9yo girl in wheelchair days after Flu Shot

mardi 4 novembre 2014

Not very proud of Oregon tonight :(

Don't the voters of Oregon believe in term limits??

"Kitzhaber wins fourth term as Oregon Governor" 4 terms :xeye:

Not very proud of Oregon tonight :(

Democratic underground website is going apoplectic

It's actually interesting to read some of their posts. they are describing the same feelings that I had when Obama was elected the second time. These people are some kind of ****ed. A lot of them are, incredibly, blaming the mainstream media for alarge majority balls their problems. It's just insane! Actually kind of feel bad that I am taking some joy in their hour of grief. :D:

Democratic underground website is going apoplectic

Lois Lerner tries busting into neighbor's home to evade questions

Lois Lerner tries busting into neighbor's home to evade questions

The Anti Mad Maxers

For all those that are on here and are only prepping for a short term advent such as a fire, flood, tempest etc I ask Why? Has there ever been a time in Australias history that has required any thing more that than a pocket full of cash to survive in relative comfort. Anything that lasts any more than a couple of days you could pretty well rock on up to an evacuation shelter along with all the other sheeple and be looked after by the SES, red cross, army or any other number of government agencys . What most people have as preps for short term advents arnt really going to save your life, only going to make living more comfortable.

Don't get me wrong, its crazy to be driving out in the desert without a crap load of water, and its prudent to have a plan and some supplies if your in a area that's likely to be struck by a fire or cyclone. This is just common sence rather than a whole different way to live your life.

I honestly believe that one day society will implode and the death toll will be extreamly high, some were in the of 50 to 95% range. I also believe that I probably want live long enough to see it happen, but ya never know. Could happen tomorrow. That's why I call my self a survivalist. Got nothing to do with the fact that I might face a major bush fire in the next 3 mths, prepping for that is just being a responsible citizen of some one that lives in a fire prone area.

The Anti Mad Maxers

ATF Form 4473

had an interesting experience at an Academy store. I purchased a firearm and was going through the normal process of filling out the standard ATF form to purchase the item and the guy selling it was a retired law enforcement/security person and we spent some time talking during the process of completing the form. I noticed that question 10a asked ethnicity as to whether Hispanic or not. Question 10b asked race. The clerk said that the government had changed the form in recent years and now did not consider latino/Hispanic to be a separate race. Hispanic/Latino would answer the question 10b as white on the federal form. I assume if this did actually change on the form that it might be that way on a lot of other government forms. Do you think this is a way to mask the number of latino/Hispanic people and cover it by lumping them with another race of people? I would think this would skew the census and not give a historically accurate representation of the actual number of latino/Hispanic people that are in the USA. The clerk said he had ran across several Hispanics that had issues with this on the form and did not agree with the elimination of their race from the forms.

ATF Form 4473

Maryland man charged with threatening to behead President Obama

A sad comment about today's society.

Maryland man charged with threatening to behead President Obama

SOG F08-N Entrenching Tool - $7.63 shipped with prime after discount

SOG F08-N Entrenching Tool - $7.63 shipped with prime after discount

Choosing the correct boots for you?

One of the most important items that you put on before you go hiking are hiking boots, they keep your entire body comfortable, help support those heavy items you are carrying, and they keep your feet nice and toasty and warm. If they are so important, then why are they so darned hard to find the perfect pair? How do you know what type of hiking boots are right for you?

Understandably I have boots for the different types of hikes, but I want to know about the boots you have for certain occasions! Thank you for your time!

Choosing the correct boots for you?

Fobus E2 Paddle Holster HPP (HiPoint 45, Ruger P93,P94,P95)

Fobus E2 Paddle Holster HPP (HiPoint 45, Ruger P93,P94,P95)


Price: $26.99

ntroducing the new FOBUS Evolution (E2) Series Hi Point 45 Holster. The E2 series is the next step in the evolution of holster development. A tension adjustment screw is incorporated to allow the user to customize the ease of presentation and the security of retention, functioning with the proven FOBUS passive retention design.

The new E2 series features one-piece holster body construction, and like all FOBUS Holsters, the E2, is lightweight and includes steel reinforced rivet attachment and a protective sight channel. The paddle also includes a rubberized insert to provide both comfort and stability.


◦HiPoint 45

◦Ruger P93

◦Ruger P94

◦Ruger P95

Fobus E2 Paddle Holster HPP (HiPoint 45, Ruger P93,P94,P95)

Using evaporated milk

A number of us use and store evaporated milk as part of our cooking and part of our preps.

Evaporated milk is canned milk (whole, lowfat or skim) that has had about 60% of the water removed.

Some of us have recipes where we regularly use evaporated milk, others have stored evaporated milk for emergencies and need to rotate it through their meal preparation so they don't waste it.

What are some of your favorite ways to use evaporated milk?

(Note - evaporated milk is not the same as condensed milk which is a sweetened milk. We can do a separate thread on using condensed milk so they don't get confused. :))

Using evaporated milk

conservatives got it wrong. We need Welfare.

What crazy talk is this?

Well when your no longer able to feed the needy through your faith and goodwill without facing jail time...........

Abbott, along with Rev. Canon Mark Sims of St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church and Rev. Dwayne Black of the Sanctuary Church, face up to 60 days in jail for violating a controversial new city ordinance that bans the sharing of food, a law the city claims is necessary to to crack down on the area’s growing downtown homeless population

Four police cars and six uniformed cops showed up at the weekly food sharing event to threaten Abbott and other volunteers with arrest if they continued dishing out food. The 90-year-old has been feeding the homeless for 23 years.

Feeding the homeless is being criminalized all across America. A*report released*by the National Coalition for the Homeless last month found that 21 major cities have restricted sharing food with the homeless while 10 other cities are in the process of doing so. Founder Michael Stoops called the enactment of five ordinances criminalizing homelessness in less than six months in Fort Lauderdale “unprecedented”.

conservatives got it wrong. We need Welfare.

Frost cutlery survival knife

I bought me a frost cutlery survival knife. It is stainless steel blade and handle. What sheaths do you all recommend to attach to lbv or, plate carrier? The one that came with it leaves alot to be desired.

Also, can anyone recommend any good paracord wrapping services or has anyone tried the plastic tool dip for handles?

Frost cutlery survival knife

Crazy about money

Most modern cultures are insane with money madness.

Take America - - -

NASA has estimated the mineral wealth of the entire Asteroid Belt could be as much as $700 quintillion, or a seven followed by 20 zeroes. That’s $100 billion for every one of the 7 billion people on Earth!

. . .

The problem - the world's current total supply of gold - if coined into dollars - would only be 112 billion dollars.

. . .

Dollar bills (IOUs) are debt, a minus value, and cannot exceed the national debt (17+ trillion dollars).

. . .

Are they lunatics at NASA, to evaluate worth with "dollar bills" that do not exist? Or are we lunatics for accepting such statements without challenging them?

Wait - don't answer that !

. . .

((references : Coinage Act of 1792, Title 12 USC Sec. 411, USCON 1787))

Crazy about money


I have been floating around along while keeping my preps up and being a WATCHER I guess.

One article I really get into being in a non gun country is self defence and handheld weapons etc I have trained for 10years in various styles etc And I put forward that The Best shtf styles If trained correctly are Freestyle (insert martial art here) arts.(NOT ALL SOME SUCK NUTS)

My positioning is this most Freestyle arts are those because they cross-train and have a varied list of moves through various ranges. They also use sport styles in a street effective way. Most schools I have seen teach boxing techniques But no gloves so you are also conditioning yourself. also Kali is also often employed And In shtf I would ant a weapon from the get go.

Now they are not as good a combative arts but I believe they are better than straight up sport arts or tmas that dont round out enough.

A good freestyle club needs to spar full contact and Put a weapon in your hand from the get go no waiting 5 years till black belt but SPARRING IS KING.

ps I hate kata :)


lundi 3 novembre 2014

Magpul Mag Extender...Anyone Ever Try?

Ran across these while browsing Nordic Components website. They have some very innovative products. They build quality stuff too. They build the SR22 rifle for Ruger (except the mechanism). These will give a 30 round pmag capacity for 46 rounds. I wonder if they would work on the pmag40 and give it 56 rounds?

Anyways, I'm not usually into the whole extended mag/drum mag thing, but at the range it is sometimes nice to have the bigger capacity, especially if shooting with people that haven't shot before.

Has anyone used these? If so, how did it work out for ya?

Magpul Mag Extender...Anyone Ever Try?

Did they change the Enlistment oath or something?

I was just reading the post on 2nd Civil War. I keep hearing guys on here (supposedly Vets) say that they swore to fight with the army. Unless they changed it since I was in your first loyalty is to the CONSTITUTION. That's the whole reason they put it first in the oath.

Supporting the President and the officers appointed over you has some qualifications according to the UCMJ which covers unlawful orders. ANY order which causes you to break your oath would fall under this clause.

I mean have they changed the oath or are these kids today just not paying attention when they raise their right hand. ( End of Rant)

Did they change the Enlistment oath or something?

Pneumatic Survival

I've been rolling around a DIY pneumatic arrow launching device for survival purposes/just the experience of building it. I'm not really sure how to go about setting it up...

Anyone on here have any experience building something similar? I've always loved airguns and my favorite is an old Benjamin Sheridan that I inherited from my grandpa (that unfortunately you can't get seals for anymore).

I've got a slingshot and have successfully converted it to fire arrows, but this pneumatic bow concept hasn't let me alone ever since it got stuck in my head.

The ones I've seen are all out of my price range so I was wondering if anyone had any DIY tips on the issue.

Pneumatic Survival

50% off the Personal Survival Knife from Landi Knives + Sheath for $89.99

This knife came out of my Kinzua model. In November 2009, I ground off the thumb ramp on a Kinzua, and liked it! The PSK acronym stands for "Personal Suvival Knife". The kit comes with a JRE leather sheath and a black G10 handle that you connect. The knife is ground be hand, by me, and finished to medium scotch-brite. The primary bevel is ground full flat with a convexed secondary bevel.

Specs for the PSK Kit Knife

+ Overall Length - 6 1/2 inches

+ Cutting Edge - 2 3/8 inches

+ Stock - 1/8

+ Steel - A2

+ Sheath - JRE Leather ($30 Value)

+ Handle Material - G10 Black (User attaches the handle all components are included)

+ Rc - Rc 59-60

+ Blade Grind - Full Flat


50% off the Personal Survival Knife from Landi Knives + Sheath for $89.99

Bug out bag...what is in yours?

I spent a number of years training in the army when I was 18. Got out when I was 23, but I NEVER forgot my training.

I have ALWAYS had a bug out bag packed, just in case. Never know what will happen. If it does not happen, at least I was ready anyways.

I have packed:

Glow sticks, trail marking tape, .22 ammo, one box of slugs, and one box of bird shot (12 gauge), GPS, flashlights, LOADS of extra batteries, map, compass, first aid kit WITH suture kit, water and food for 4 days for 2 people, LOTS of fire starting gear (flint, insta fire, 9 volt batteries and steel wool, zippo, waterproof/windproof matches) thermal blankets, emergency shelter, axe, SEVERAL large and small knives, a couple sharpeners, rope, whistles, folding shovel, extra lighter fluid and flints, tool kit, a bit of cash, a few thousand rounds for the SKS ready to go, gun cleaning kit, fishing gear, etc.

This is enough to get me though about a week of in the woods/urban SHTF.

In the same room(locked up heavily) are all my rifles (SKS, Mosin Nagant, .270, .22-250, Mossberg 715T, etc) my shotgun, extra ammo, cleaning kit and LOADS of extra stuff that is packed and ready to go at a moment's notice.

I am not praying for a SHTF situation, or hoping for civil war, I am not a conspiracy theorist, although I do keep up to date with political BS, but I want to be able to survive if something happens.

I have several primary and back up spots to bug out to, high ground, active game trails, fishing and clean water.

I hunt regularly, fish, camp, hike, etc....I know my way around the bush.

How prepared are some of you guys?

Bug out bag...what is in yours?

QUestions about credit cards and the US system.


There is something I have been thinking about watching US movies and reading around on the net and more so after my last years vacation to the states.

Here (and I GUESS most places, I don't know) I would say standard is you work for a month and get payed and then use that money for whatever expenses you have. I for example don't have a credit card and I have no plans to get one really, no need for more expenses.

In the US I got the feeling that people loan money and then pay of the loans instead?

However when I was in the US and I was to buy something more expensive than a few dollars it felt like it was mandatory to pay with credit? Why would you do that?

I had clerks looking at me in some sort of distrust when I payed them cash even, atleast it felt like that, I don't know. Could be as simple as it was my accent.

A guy I spoke to found it strange that I didn't have a credit card and asked me if I had debts I couldn't pay or something, to me it would be the other way around :confused: No credit card would mean you have what you need and don't need to loan.

I'm sorry for my English here and I have obvious problems explaining what I mean here but if someone could explain this system to me I would be more than grateful, why and how it works? Are people supposed to be in constant debt?

QUestions about credit cards and the US system.

Pneumatic Survival

I've been rolling around a DIY pneumatic arrow launching device for survival purposes/just the experience of building it. I'm not really sure how to go about setting it up...

Anyone on here have any experience building something similar? I've always loved airguns and my favorite is an old Benjamin Sheridan that I inherited from my grandpa (that unfortunately you can't get seals for anymore).

I've got a slingshot and have successfully converted it to fire arrows, but this pneumatic bow concept hasn't let me alone ever since it got stuck in my head.

The ones I've seen are all out of my price range so I was wondering if anyone had any DIY tips on the issue.

Pneumatic Survival

50% off the Personal Survival Knife from Landi Knives + Sheath for $89.99

This knife came out of my Kinzua model. In November 2009, I ground off the thumb ramp on a Kinzua, and liked it! The PSK acronym stands for "Personal Suvival Knife". The kit comes with a JRE leather sheath and a black G10 handle that you connect. The knife is ground be hand, by me, and finished to medium scotch-brite. The primary bevel is ground full flat with a convexed secondary bevel.

Specs for the PSK Kit Knife

+ Overall Length - 6 1/2 inches

+ Cutting Edge - 2 3/8 inches

+ Stock - 1/8

+ Steel - A2

+ Sheath - JRE Leather ($30 Value)

+ Handle Material - G10 Black (User attaches the handle all components are included)

+ Rc - Rc 59-60

+ Blade Grind - Full Flat


50% off the Personal Survival Knife from Landi Knives + Sheath for $89.99

dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Great disaster item often overlooked - Aluminum foil

I wanted to begin a discussion of the many uses of this great and relatively inexpensive product: aluminum foil. I've discovered some great ways to use aluminum foil in disaster situations, both short- and long-term, and want to share them.

1. Cooking

Almost all of us use aluminum foil in cooking already. It's great for keeping moisture in food from escaping and from protecting food from oxygen. But it can easily be shaped into a rudimentary cooking vessel. You can wrap food with it and place it over a bed of coals for cooking also. It can even be formed into a drinking cup. For cleaning pots, a scrubbing pad can be substituted with crumpled up aluminum foil.

2. Fires

I've heard, but haven't tried, that you can place a teaspoon of gasoline into a small 'cup' of aluminum foil and use that to safely start a fire.

3. Solar Heating

Depending on the type of aluminum foil, it's reflectivity ranges from 80% to 88%, which is very good. By comparison, Mylar is typically around 95% reflective but is more flimsy and expensive. To help you keep your house warm, simply glue aluminum foil onto cardboard, Styrofoam, or plywood boards and angle these outside your windows to reflect more sunlight inside. If you combine this with hanging up black plastic sheeting a couple of inches behind the window to absorb the light and distribute it as infrared heat (this creates better 'quality' heat than not using the sheeting), it can really help to keep a room warm. This method can also be used in conjunction with simple solar ovens for cooking food or boiling/Pasteurizing water.

4. Concealment

Aluminum foil completely blocks incoming light. After a disaster, you probably don't want your neighbors to see your lights in your house at night. Aluminum foil can be used to cover your windows and block out the light. This will probably help to keep your house a bit warmer at night also.

5. Electrical

Due to its electrical conductivity, aluminum foil can be used 'in a pinch' to help with a number of electrical problems. For instance, if a small battery does not fit tightly where it needs to be, carefully folded aluminum foil can be used to make it snug.

On the other side of the spectrum, aluminum foil can be used to create a Faraday cage, protecting electronic equipment from electromagnetic pulses (EMP). Wrap the equipment tightly with plastic wrapping (which is an insulator), then wrap aluminum foil on top of that. If you want some extra insurance, repeat this process to create two layers of both plastic wrap and foil.

6. Miscellaneous

A tiny bit of foil can be used as an attractant when fishing. For an improvised shelter, aluminum foil can be used to reflect radiant heating in the same way that space blankets made out of Mylar do.

I'm definitely going to start storing more of this great product with so many post-disaster uses.

What other uses do you know of for aluminum foil?

Great disaster item often overlooked - Aluminum foil

Need beekeeper help

I was checking on my bees today and noticed that there wasn't many bees on the porch like usual so I thought well it is cooler today low 60s. So I decided to look in on them...boy they weren't to happy about that.

Background of what I did today, I pulled some of the foundations/bars from the small box on the top and notice little black beetles down in the honey. So now I've got to treat for small black beetles. I think there were probably 20-25 in the two bars that were partially filled honey. I completely pulled out the one that was the worst infested and was able to bang out the 3 or 4 in the other one. The rest of the small box didn't look like it had any work done to it so I just pulled it off the top. The one bar that had some honey and wax built in it was put it on the outer edge of the next small box below. I didn't go down into the large box because they were not happy with what were doing. I do know we need to treat because we did find some...Here's my question. What do you find is the easiest/best/least harmful way to treat for them? I am a newbie(first year having them) so 'splan it real detailed/simply what y'all do to eradicate them. I am just trying to figure out where to go from here. Is it something I need to go pick up tomorrow or can I order it online and have it in a few days. I don't want to freak out about it if is something that isn't a huge deal.

Attached pic is what the hive looks like. This was from earlier this year and the one box in hubby's hand is the one that came off today. So all we have on there now is a large lower brood box and a small box above that. This was a swarm my brother gave me from his hive. He is out of town right now so he hasn't got back to me about what he would do.

Attached Images

File Type: jpg beehive.jpg (120.8 KB)

Need beekeeper help

Skils Lacking

Here is a brilliant topic which I confess to plagiarising from Toby C. of SHTF School.

What, in your opinion of other survivalists, and/or preppers if you draw a distinction, is the most lacked skill, or the most under-attended area? The possible answers range from owning a weapon to fitness, and from too few packets of seeds to not enough 4x4 with winches. Anything you like, but just one thing, please.

This was my answer:

(Aside from the inestimable value of willpower) practical experience . In a number of survival school, army, and other, scenarios, I found that there were always guys who “knew more”. They possessed every tool, novelty, gimmick, and piece of equipment that opened and shut, and they had read all of the books, and sometimes they were even the fittest, and they were always the first out of the gates. But they tended in the end to be the first to get homesick, gippo guts, sun-stroke, hyperthermia, hypothermia, blisters, and whatever other malady – of any description, you care to name.

But the guys who had cheap shoes, less-expensive gym contracts – if any, had not watched survival programmes on DSTV, and who had never read a book on bush lore, but who had actually spent some time in the cold without an expensive jacket, had actually spent days getting bitten by mosquitos and stung by poison ivy, who had gone without as much water as they would have liked once or twice, and who knew what is was like to be in the eerie dimness of a forest, or the sun-scorched hopelessness of an empty veld, tended to do better.

There are always exceptions, and sometimes Providence, genetics, willpower, physical fitness, and education, play magnificent roles. But, generally-speaking, there is no substitute for basic practical experience over YouTube videos. In fact, it needn't be intense experience... you could simply call it "degrees of familiarity".

What do you okes reckon the rest of us are doing wrong? This is a lekker opportunity to be candid without injuring any one specific person's ego.

Skils Lacking

1 good reason to vote republican

Here's one very important reason to get off your butt and vote republican . Even if you think your candidate is a rino .


Gun control / restricting gun rights is part of the democrat agenda . The liberal progressive democrats would love to repeal 2A .

Whatever you think of republicans in general at least they aren't rabid anti gun zealots .

1 good reason to vote republican

Longbow for beginners

I have a Samick recurve that I am starting to get quite accurate with. In no way am I an olympic class shot with it but rabbit-sized object at 30 steps or so I hit on a good day. And on any day of stump-shooting I have a good time and that's what matters on my level.

I do have an itch for traditional everything and I would love to get into longbow archery with wooden arrows and all that comes with that.

The bows I have seen is mostly made for basement-dwellers into live roleplaying with wizards and dragons and stuff OR they are so expensive I would have to sell my truck to be able to get one.

Could someone give me some advice on what to get? I pull about 55 lbs without any major problems but I thought I'd settle on 45 or so because I want to learn proper technique and actually hit what I aim for.

Any other advice you would like to share with a beginner?

Longbow for beginners

quick truck rating question

I could google,but ya'll come up with some good creative answers.

When a truck is called a 1/2 ton..or 3/4 ton..what exactly does that mean?

weight you can carry in the cargo weight...tounge weight at the towing cargo and trailer weight...number of mothers-in-law you can carry?:taped:

quick truck rating question

Canned foods recipes

Looking in the pantry, and trying to decide how best to manage my inventory, I have been trying to think of dishes I would create from canned foods. I created a spreadsheet with dish names, canned food items, and cross-referenced the two for how many cans of which foods it takes to make a meal. The list of dishes is pretty small and could get pretty boring after a few rotations so I'm looking for ideas on what other dishes can be created out of the canned foods I am already storing or what other canned foods I should be storing.

When I say canned foods, I don't mean LTS type meal mixes such as freeze dried but I do include meals with canned ingredients that might be dependent upon staples such as wheat, rice, etc.

This is the list of primary canned food ingredients I keep. I also have spices, fruits, vegetables, rice, wheat, etc. to go with them but this list is what I would consider primary canned-food ingredients.

Canned Beef

Canned Hamburger

Canned Chicken

Red Beans

Navy Beans

Refried Beans

Canned Ham

Wolf Chili

Canned Tuna

Canned Salmon

Canned Cheese

Canned Tomatoes

Canned Spaghetti (cooked, not dry)

Tomato Sauce

Canned Sausage

Canned Potatoes

Refried Beans

Spaghetti Sauce

Here's the list of dishes I came up with so far for my list of canned primary ingredients.

Beef Soup



Ham and Beans

Burritos - Beef

Tuna Sandwich

Mac and Tomato

Barbecue Sandwich

Sloppy Joe

Red Beans and Rice

Tuna Casserole

Quesadillas - Chicken

Quesadillas - Beef and bean


Salmon Patties

So let's have a discussion of meals that that can be made from typical canned food storage items and the recipes for those meals. If the thread catches on, I'll keep up this first post with additional dishes and canned primary ingredients and references to the post where they are added.

Canned foods recipes

New from KZN, South Africa

Hi all.

Just found this site last night. Recently returned to South Africa due to visa issues and law changes in Europe so trying to connect with preppers in South Africa. Trying to find my feet find in a country that is hugely different to how I remember it.



New from KZN, South Africa

samedi 1 novembre 2014

Oxygen Absorber Indicator Frustration

So Before I started sealing my mylar bags of food I switched the O2 absorbers into a jar i could open and close, that has a seal on it. When the packets where in their vacuum sealed back they came packaged in, the indicator shown pink. But within 5 min of quickly (20 sec or less) transferring them from their original packaging to the jar, the little indicator tab disc thingy went to blue? So is this basically indicating that the 30 O2 absorbers are no good?

Oxygen Absorber Indicator Frustration

what medecine should be on hand for chemical attack or ariborne illnes?

So far I got Potassium Iodide and about 100 pills of 250 mg Cipro (Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride) for Inhalation Anthrax.

I cannot find these two..

Calcium-DTPA and Zinc-DTPA Information. Calcium-DTPA (Ca-DTPA) and Zinc-DTPA (Zn-DTPA) are safe and effective for the treatment of internal contamination with plutonium, americium, or curium to increase the rates of elimination of these substances from the body.

Prussian Blue Information. Radiogardase, also known as Prussian blue, is safe and effective for the treatment of exposure to radiation contamination due to harmful levels of cesium-137 or thallium.


what medecine should be on hand for chemical attack or ariborne illnes?

Bug out bag...what is in yours?

I spent a number of years training in the army when I was 18. Got out when I was 23, but I NEVER forgot my training.

I have ALWAYS had a bug out bag packed, just in case. Never know what will happen. If it does not happen, at least I was ready anyways.

I have packed:

Glow sticks, trail marking tape, .22 ammo, one box of slugs, and one box of bird shot (12 gauge), GPS, flashlights, LOADS of extra batteries, map, compass, first aid kit WITH suture kit, water and food for 4 days for 2 people, LOTS of fire starting gear (flint, insta fire, 9 volt batteries and steel wool, zippo, waterproof/windproof matches) thermal blankets, emergency shelter, axe, SEVERAL large and small knives, a couple sharpeners, rope, whistles, folding shovel, extra lighter fluid and flints, tool kit, a bit of cash, a few thousand rounds for the SKS ready to go, gun cleaning kit, fishing gear, etc.

This is enough to get me though about a week of in the woods/urban SHTF.

In the same room(locked up heavily) are all my rifles (SKS, Mosin Nagant, .270, .22-250, Mossberg 715T, etc) my shotgun, extra ammo, cleaning kit and LOADS of extra stuff that is packed and ready to go at a moment's notice.

I am not praying for a SHTF situation, or hoping for civil war, I am not a conspiracy theorist, although I do keep up to date with political BS, but I want to be able to survive if something happens.

I have several primary and back up spots to bug out to, high ground, active game trails, fishing and clean water.

I hunt regularly, fish, camp, hike, etc....I know my way around the bush.

How prepared are some of you guys?

Bug out bag...what is in yours?

Vote Republican, Even If It Hurts

The hurt you may feel by voting Republican is NOTHING compared to the eternal agony of voting Democrat.

To those who will jabber about "no difference" the words of Ronald Reagan:

"Die-hard conservatives thought that if I couldn't get everything I asked for, I should jump off the cliff with the flag flying-go down in flames. No, if I can get 70 or 80 percent of what it is I'm trying to get ... I'll take that and then continue to try to get the rest in the future."

Think of it this way:

Every vote for the GOP, even if it is a RINO, is a kick in the ugly face of the foreign, commie, usurper and weakens the commie leader Barack Hussein Obama him just a bit.

Lets kick him over and over and over.

Vote Republican, Even If It Hurts

What’s Your Bow?s Maximum Range?

All bowhunters have an effective range, or more appropriately put, a maximum shooting distance that lies within their comfort zone. For some, it’s 30 yards; for others, 60 yards. Compound bows have an effective range too—the distance at which the bow is capable of lethally delivering an arrow. A bow’s effective range is determined by[.....]

Read the full article here...

What’s Your Bow?s Maximum Range?

New Gallup Gun Control Poll

As we are heading into 2014 elections, Americans are clear: no more gun control. Especially on handguns. Another example of "The Bloomberg Effect?"

Years of advertising, Hollywood elites, and dumb laws have had a remarkable boomerang effect. More bad news for Gov. Fredo.

New Gallup Gun Control Poll

Have you used a water filter for dirty water? Tell us about it!

I was looking to get a LifeStraw, but after reading several pages of threads I ended up getting a Sawyer Mini instead, since it seemed to be more useful. Thanks for all your helpful recommendations.

Here's a question, not really for just the Sawyer Mini, but for all water filters.

What kind of water have you actually used in these filters?

Mud puddle, sludge, sewer water, urine, green pond, etc.?

I have a Berkey, and supposedly you could filter some pretty nasty stuff in there, but of course I don't exactly want to pee in there to test it out, you know?

You read about how they are good for this and that, but it's one thing to read about how it's supposed to work, but another thing to read about it actually being used, and your thoughts about having used it.

I'm sure there's some people here who have had situations arise where they had to use a water filter for some gross stuff. I'd be curious as to what they were, and any notes about the water taste/color/smell after you filtered it.

Please let us know what kind of filter you used.


Have you used a water filter for dirty water? Tell us about it!

Smith .22 Revolver 6"

Here's the deal. A guy i know needs work on his house but has no money. He's willing to trade his Smith .22 he thinks about 1980, no box no papers. The gun is in miraculous condition, blueing great, a little rubbing on the cylinder but the blueing's all there, Barrel looks pristine inside and out. It's got the adj. rear site and the oversize light colored walnut stocks which look brand new.He says about one box of shells thru it. You swing the cyl. out the serial # on the frame is 11K0030 then below that, MCD 17-3.. My question is, is this a desireable gun? Does anyone want a large frame revolver in .22? The stocks are really too large for my hand so i might be trading or selling if i take his deal..

Smith .22 Revolver 6"

So i went to the ATL gay pride.

About a month ago I went to the ATL gay pride. Yes I have to gay uncles and I don't care, what makes you happy and you do in your home is only your business as long as it don't hurt anyone else. But this is not about gay rights at all. over the whole week end like many more I have attended I found only peace and understanding. I tell then my views about life, gov. and being a survivalist and they tell me who they are. The only thing I find funny is that at then end of it no one is mad. How many times have you got in to a conversation with someone that went south really quick? ANy way they only time over the cores of 3 days that I found any anger or hate was from the support Hillary booth. They wear yelling and scream how men suck and to stand for your rights(while only looking at women). IDK just found that funny that with a big issue such as gay right that people can be humane and not care about WHO YOU ARE for a few days but the Hillary people.:confused:

So i went to the ATL gay pride.

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Here is an odd one for you! Muzzle breaks !!

I have some remingtons, 1858 BP Uberti pistols, and was wondering if any Muzzle breaks exist for them. Can you buy them, is it possible to make one, or is it just plane and simple not possible on these type of pistols, Also looking for something which would work on the sharps 45/70 too, if such a thing is in this universe! Be nice to get some clipon or clamp on type, that don't take the next two weeks to get it off. I am sure in theory at least it should work or be possible! :xeye:

Here is an odd one for you! Muzzle breaks !!