dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Skils Lacking

Here is a brilliant topic which I confess to plagiarising from Toby C. of SHTF School.

What, in your opinion of other survivalists, and/or preppers if you draw a distinction, is the most lacked skill, or the most under-attended area? The possible answers range from owning a weapon to fitness, and from too few packets of seeds to not enough 4x4 with winches. Anything you like, but just one thing, please.

This was my answer:

(Aside from the inestimable value of willpower) practical experience . In a number of survival school, army, and other, scenarios, I found that there were always guys who “knew more”. They possessed every tool, novelty, gimmick, and piece of equipment that opened and shut, and they had read all of the books, and sometimes they were even the fittest, and they were always the first out of the gates. But they tended in the end to be the first to get homesick, gippo guts, sun-stroke, hyperthermia, hypothermia, blisters, and whatever other malady – of any description, you care to name.

But the guys who had cheap shoes, less-expensive gym contracts – if any, had not watched survival programmes on DSTV, and who had never read a book on bush lore, but who had actually spent some time in the cold without an expensive jacket, had actually spent days getting bitten by mosquitos and stung by poison ivy, who had gone without as much water as they would have liked once or twice, and who knew what is was like to be in the eerie dimness of a forest, or the sun-scorched hopelessness of an empty veld, tended to do better.

There are always exceptions, and sometimes Providence, genetics, willpower, physical fitness, and education, play magnificent roles. But, generally-speaking, there is no substitute for basic practical experience over YouTube videos. In fact, it needn't be intense experience... you could simply call it "degrees of familiarity".

What do you okes reckon the rest of us are doing wrong? This is a lekker opportunity to be candid without injuring any one specific person's ego.

Skils Lacking

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