mardi 4 novembre 2014

ATF Form 4473

had an interesting experience at an Academy store. I purchased a firearm and was going through the normal process of filling out the standard ATF form to purchase the item and the guy selling it was a retired law enforcement/security person and we spent some time talking during the process of completing the form. I noticed that question 10a asked ethnicity as to whether Hispanic or not. Question 10b asked race. The clerk said that the government had changed the form in recent years and now did not consider latino/Hispanic to be a separate race. Hispanic/Latino would answer the question 10b as white on the federal form. I assume if this did actually change on the form that it might be that way on a lot of other government forms. Do you think this is a way to mask the number of latino/Hispanic people and cover it by lumping them with another race of people? I would think this would skew the census and not give a historically accurate representation of the actual number of latino/Hispanic people that are in the USA. The clerk said he had ran across several Hispanics that had issues with this on the form and did not agree with the elimination of their race from the forms.

ATF Form 4473

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