mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Best state to live

I am a New York redneck. Very rural. I can shoot deer with my AR10, off my porch, in my underwear, while sipping bourbon. At least I could until our pond scum governor made it illegal to possess the AR10. ( I can still sip bourbon in my u underwear ) Upon retirement I'm leaving this God forsaken but beautiful state. I am looking for:

1- Rural (read low population density) farming / hunting woodland

2- Great deal of personal freedom. Including firearm ownership, CCW, castle law, no BS building permits for every small project on my own property

3- Good hunting

4- Low taxes

5- Mostly white residences

6- Change of seasons BUT short winter (compared to NY 5month winter)

7- And NO LIBERAL A$$holes. (Ok maybe that's a little more than I can expect )

Seriously - listening to all opinions on the subject I want to start looking around so that I'm prepared upon retirement.

Best state to live

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