mardi 11 novembre 2014

Today is a sad day: I accidentally killed my Sourdough Babies

Today is a sad day: I accidentally killed my Sourdough Babies

Yep, you heard that right. I accidentally killed off my sourdough starter. We were getting low on our sourdough bread and batches of pancakes, so I took my starter out of the fridge and was letting it warm up so I could feed them.

The temperature in the kitchen had dropped here in the desert lately, so I figured I would put them into oven with the oven light on to warm them up. So, I pushed them right up next to the oven light where it's nice, and warm, and cozy for my little fellows, right?

Well, I forgot about them for a few hours and I came to check on them and the plastic (large peanut butter) jar was warped and twisted, and the my Lil' Sourdough Babies liquid had kind of turned brown, and didn't look nice bubbly as usual, and they had an off smelled, too... Yikes! Oop's! What a dumb-ass I am

Now, we've been without our daily pancakes, and sourdough bread to snack on. Usually, I will make around three dozen pancakes, and two loaves of bread a week. Just about every meal either has pancakes, or sourdough bread in it, and now we are lost for what to eat. We have become so accustomed to always having sourdough around that we are lost. We take turns opening a cabinet, or the fridge, and we just stair into it trying to figure out what to eat, now. Ha! Ha!

Now, I am on my second day of starting a new sourdough starter batch (those little guys are like part of the family), and I am just now getting a little rise out of them, and that ol' familiar acidic beer scent we love so much. Then our lives can get settled back down to normal and all will be well.

Today is a sad day: I accidentally killed my Sourdough Babies

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