dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Need beekeeper help

I was checking on my bees today and noticed that there wasn't many bees on the porch like usual so I thought well it is cooler today low 60s. So I decided to look in on them...boy they weren't to happy about that.

Background of what I did today, I pulled some of the foundations/bars from the small box on the top and notice little black beetles down in the honey. So now I've got to treat for small black beetles. I think there were probably 20-25 in the two bars that were partially filled honey. I completely pulled out the one that was the worst infested and was able to bang out the 3 or 4 in the other one. The rest of the small box didn't look like it had any work done to it so I just pulled it off the top. The one bar that had some honey and wax built in it was put it on the outer edge of the next small box below. I didn't go down into the large box because they were not happy with what were doing. I do know we need to treat because we did find some...Here's my question. What do you find is the easiest/best/least harmful way to treat for them? I am a newbie(first year having them) so 'splan it real detailed/simply what y'all do to eradicate them. I am just trying to figure out where to go from here. Is it something I need to go pick up tomorrow or can I order it online and have it in a few days. I don't want to freak out about it if is something that isn't a huge deal.

Attached pic is what the hive looks like. This was from earlier this year and the one box in hubby's hand is the one that came off today. So all we have on there now is a large lower brood box and a small box above that. This was a swarm my brother gave me from his hive. He is out of town right now so he hasn't got back to me about what he would do.

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Need beekeeper help

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