mardi 4 novembre 2014

Crazy about money

Most modern cultures are insane with money madness.

Take America - - -

NASA has estimated the mineral wealth of the entire Asteroid Belt could be as much as $700 quintillion, or a seven followed by 20 zeroes. That’s $100 billion for every one of the 7 billion people on Earth!

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The problem - the world's current total supply of gold - if coined into dollars - would only be 112 billion dollars.

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Dollar bills (IOUs) are debt, a minus value, and cannot exceed the national debt (17+ trillion dollars).

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Are they lunatics at NASA, to evaluate worth with "dollar bills" that do not exist? Or are we lunatics for accepting such statements without challenging them?

Wait - don't answer that !

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((references : Coinage Act of 1792, Title 12 USC Sec. 411, USCON 1787))

Crazy about money

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