mardi 4 novembre 2014

The Anti Mad Maxers

For all those that are on here and are only prepping for a short term advent such as a fire, flood, tempest etc I ask Why? Has there ever been a time in Australias history that has required any thing more that than a pocket full of cash to survive in relative comfort. Anything that lasts any more than a couple of days you could pretty well rock on up to an evacuation shelter along with all the other sheeple and be looked after by the SES, red cross, army or any other number of government agencys . What most people have as preps for short term advents arnt really going to save your life, only going to make living more comfortable.

Don't get me wrong, its crazy to be driving out in the desert without a crap load of water, and its prudent to have a plan and some supplies if your in a area that's likely to be struck by a fire or cyclone. This is just common sence rather than a whole different way to live your life.

I honestly believe that one day society will implode and the death toll will be extreamly high, some were in the of 50 to 95% range. I also believe that I probably want live long enough to see it happen, but ya never know. Could happen tomorrow. That's why I call my self a survivalist. Got nothing to do with the fact that I might face a major bush fire in the next 3 mths, prepping for that is just being a responsible citizen of some one that lives in a fire prone area.

The Anti Mad Maxers

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