vendredi 25 mars 2016

**Ladies Section** ***Wise Woman's Group***

Mels is going to be kinda busy the next few weeks/months and asked me to take over the Wise Woman's Group. I'm just going to copy/paste her info post.

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The Wise Women's Social Group is an "invite only" group for mature women over 21 with a minimum post requirement (25 posts with at least 10 being in the Ladies Section.)

It is a place the ladies can feel comfortable discussing personal issues, share experiences and wisdom. Please remember that like Las Vegas, what is said in the group, must stay in the group. Breaches of confidentiality will be handled swiftly.

Be polite to all members. Respect is the watch word. No personal attacks will be tolerated. All forum rules regarding conduct and posting of links, etc. apply in this group.


If you meet the qualifications of this social group and are interested, please post in this thread to receive and invitation.

If you aren't respectful of your fellow forum members in the main forum, then the assumption would be you would not be respectful in the group either. That is not an issue for most of you at all. Also, if you post only a very few times each year, then wait and ask for membership when you are able to participate on the forum more regularly.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

**Ladies Section** ***Wise Woman's Group***

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