mardi 29 mars 2016

Thoughts on the Lone Wolf Mentality

On March 20th I had a motorcycle accident that left me laying in a hospital bed with lots of time to think. The idea of people making plans to go off into the woods on their own to survive came to mind.
On one hand I can see why a person would think about the Lone Wolf type of existence. Only one person you have to trust and if you can't trust yourself who can you trust sort of thing.

But on the other being alone in the wilderness may not be all it's thought. Yes you have to do all the work of gathering enough food and water. As well as building a shelter and security. However, in the event of an accident, and let's be honest we all have them from time to time. Some may be very minor while other accidents can be debilitating. As for myself, 12 rib fractures on the left side along with a partially collapsed lung left me unable to do much of anything for myself for several days. There would not have been any gathering food and water. No building a shelter. And certainly would not be pulling any security patrols. Going from self dependent to needing help from someone else for every thing in an instant will teach you the value of having a group at your back.

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Thoughts on the Lone Wolf Mentality

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