mardi 29 mars 2016


There is a place for tolerance in society. One of my favorite quotes is from Thomas Jefferson: "If a man niether picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg, what care have I?" A pretty libertarian view if you were to ask me.

To me that boils down to keep your stuff off my stuff - and then I don't have to kill you.

Your beliefs your idealism - they aren't mine. As long as they don't impact me or mine I can tolerate them.

When you start putting your stuff on my stuff - I take umbrage.

I'm a pretty much live and let live guy. Leave me alone & you won't cross the crosshairs. Violate that and tolerance doesn't just go to zero. Now you've gone negative. And I'll compensate for windage.

Why do people try to impose their beliefs on others- sometimes by force? Of law or arms - it's the same.

You want me to tolerate you? How bout being a good neighbor. How bout being a decent human being. How bout you keep your **** off my ****.

How bout you leave me the **** alone?

Tolerance my ass.

The most intolerant are the ones whinining for it the loudest.

I call them bait.

Remember it's a choice. My choice. To be TOLERANT. It's not an obligation anyone else can impose.


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