mardi 29 mars 2016

Post SHTF Sheepdogs

For all of the gear-heavy preppers out there...

So, you're a gear-centric have state of the art military-grade weaponry, ammunition, and plenty of both. You felt a need for level IIIA body armor and that kevlar cover, and now you have it. You bought the knife Delta force is supposed to use. You've stockpiled enough ammunition to win a war in Bolivia. You have enough weaponry, armor and gear to arm SEAL team 6. So, what do you plan on doing with it when everything falls apart?

I hope that by reading this, you are a responsible person. I hope that with your arsenal, you have also stockpiled common sense, and a moral integrity to use it for good when the day comes that the dark matter hits the fan, and those lines between good and evil suddenly become blurred. Because now, you have taken it upon yourself to be a sheepdog of the highest caliber.

When the cities lie in ruins, and bands of murderous land pirates roam the country, raping and killing, pillaging food and supplies from those without the ability to resist them, I pray that you have the moral integrity to be a guardian against the wolves. May your Interceptor vest stop only the rounds fired by the evil hordes, and never bullets fired by a scared mother as you raid what little food she has to feed her children. I hope the crosshairs of your expensive sniper rifle are only doped to drop the wicked, and never the ones who are trying to cling to humanity and civility.

Train, my friend. You already have the equipment, now train with it. Put up or shut up. Train every day. Expend thousands of rounds in practice. Spend every penny you can on training. Take up rappelling. Learn knife fighting. Every facet of your life now must be built around being good enough to WEAR that gear. You must make yourself DESERVING of such power. Learn your weapons until you can disassemble them in your sleep, underwater with the lights out. Play airsoft or paintball on weekends, just for fun. Study the books. Run the woods in full gear until you ******* puke.

I hope you will hear my words. If you are a mall ninja, an operator wannabe, sell your guns now. If your "training" amounts to a few rounds a year and Call of Duty, give up and stop playing soldier. Forget all notions of being Rambo, of being Mad Max. When you have to don YOUR gear and weapons, it will be to live the live of a rogue. To kill for food, and to become a monster just to survive another day. Change your mindset now or give up trying to prepare for what's coming. When the end comes, just cower behind your bed and wait for the inevitable. It will be better that way.

When the lights go dark, the phones stop working and the shelves are bare, we must rely only on ourselves and each other to survive. In that world, everyone will have a role. The farmers will farm, the blacksmiths and craftsmen will build, and the merchant will sell. Someone has to be there to protect them, because the marauders will raid, the weak will die, and one way or another, you will have a role in that. Pick your side. The world will need police. The world will need sheep dogs. You have the gear my friend, and you talk the talk. Will you walk the walk?

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Post SHTF Sheepdogs

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