lundi 20 novembre 2017

Is a vote in favor of immorality is also a vote against liberty.

Justin Haskins writes a convincing commentary for morality.

Is a vote in favor of immorality is also a vote against liberty.

Haskins only briefly mentions a list of accusations, that taken as a whole, with any validity of truth, does make Roy Moore unacceptable as a Senator. Taken point by point, the most damning accusations are also the most suspicious while the most likely cases come from a different time and standard of morality.

The 60's free love movement and sex-laden cable entertainment industry has redefined dinner and a date. Of course, prior to the reformation, dinner was the date. Today, prophylactics are recommended for the date, anything else is just dinner.

Moore's opponents will quickly point out that the heinous crimes occurred in 1977, well after the 60's. They may be correct using today's new math. However, avoiding any rewriting of history, the Counterculture of the 1960s occurred from the early 1960's to the mid 1970's.

That would place the end of the counterculture around 1975. I believe we can also agree that Alabama may be a bit slow on the uptake of the latest hip trends, which easily pushes us into the late 1970's.

We must also look at generational issues at the time. Roy Moore came of age in the late 50's and maybe the first few years of the 1960's. Roy did not grow up watching Leave it to Beaver, he grew up living like the Beaver. (Note: case in point - not today's definition.).

Meanwhile, a drastic transformation occurred in the decade and a half before the accuses began to come of age on the other side of the cultural revolution. Spanning this divide, anyone would view behavior on the other side as freaky.

Of course, we cannot continue to live life in the past, if we hope to change, we must also look forward.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Is a vote in favor of immorality is also a vote against liberty.

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