vendredi 24 octobre 2014

NYC doctor tests positive for Ebola

Not that anyone here on SB lives in that liberal hellhole... oops I mean New York, but here it is:


A Doctors Without Borders physician who recently returned to New York from West Africa has tested positive for the Ebola virus, becoming the first diagnosed case in the city, authorities said late Thursday.

  • Doctor returns on Oct. 17th (last Friday) from treating Ebola patients in Africa.

  • Feels unusually "fatigued" on Tuesday.

  • On Wednesday, still takes the subway and goes ebowling.

  • Wakes up on Thursday with a fever. Turns out it's Ebola. Surprise surprise!

Face meet palm. Seriously, a doctor is now afflicted with the exact disease he had been working so hard to fight overseas. And has now, through his negligent actions, put one of the most densely populated U.S. cities in danger. All of his efforts for what? Was there no one in the chain of events that led to his arrival in the U.S. alarmed that he might be an Ebola carrier? Where was the call for a precautionary quarantine?

NYC doctor tests positive for Ebola

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