mercredi 9 septembre 2015

"Faircane" Buy Or Build?

The famed W E Fairbairn, Shanghai police Riot Squad founder, CQC trainer to the SOE & OSS in WW II, co-designer of the classic SAS Fairbairn-Sykes Commando Knife, also designed a swagger stick. Sometimes it was known as the "Faircane". It was 22.5" in length, constructed of stacked leather washers on a steel rod core. The end was 2.5" of semi sharp steel point. The pommel was usually a barrel shaped brass affair. Just below the pommel was the handgrip, built-up to mimic a FS Commando Knife handle, with a built-in leather wrist lanyard. A Google search will yield pictures. I've tried to buy one at auction sites, without success. So the question is, does anyone know anyone who, for a price, will build me one or more. Perhaps even a lengthened one to be an actual walking stick? Thanx in advance for your advice.

"Faircane" Buy Or Build?

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