mardi 1 septembre 2015

Personal SHTF, how to make lemonade out of lemons?

Alright so as of about 5 hours ago I am more than likely unemployed.

I'm not being fired, but rather laid off.

I recently EAS'd from the USMC after 4.5 years of the best worst time of my life. I have a BA in history (only a 2.8 GPA though because my first two years I was grossly irresponsible and it took me another 2.5 years to graduate doing academically well in school just to achieve that with excellent grades). I served as an enlisted 0311 because I wanted to shoot terrorists in the face for my country.

Just yesterday I was planning a next major prep upgrade with my firearm collection. I was going to drop upwards of 2 grand on that. Now thank god I have savings. I have the complete respect from my employers and actually they got screwed too. I actually got my last job a week after I took terminal leave (I was still enlisted but got to use my saved vacation time and an extra 20 days the military gave me as a bonus) and it seemed to be the perfect transition to the civilian world.

I'm thinking about jumping right back into the military but I didn't keep myself within height and weight standards and gained 40 pounds. Who knew constant PT would keep one in shape!

I have my education benefits can I start using but that can't start until next semester. I need to pay the bills now! My boss is going to try to get me a month's severance package which will help but even once I get that I am on my own.

I'm honestly just lost now. I had an entire year to plan my future because my current job was supposed to last until November 2016 and serve as a fantastic resume builder. It literally paid me twice as much as my E4 pay.

Now...well now I have to figure things out asap and I don't know were to begin!

Should I try to get back in the military? Lose 40 lbs (in 4-6 weeks tops!) and fight the NJP that will hold me back too?!

Move into my parents house and find a crappy job to pay the bills until I can go pursue a nursing degree (I got accepted at UWF in Pensacola Florida for the pre nursing program but that doesn't guarantee acceptance into the actual nursing program) and apply at schools in Va or Fl (I am still a Florida resident but am in Virginia currently).

Should I try to stick it out in Virginia and try to get into the apprentice program at the shipyard and find a technical job working on naval vessels? I sorta have an in with that as well.

I just dunno what to do right now. I feel frustrated and let down with the job I had. I had planned to use it to get ahead and now I am just worried about tomorrow!

Personal SHTF, how to make lemonade out of lemons?

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