samedi 5 septembre 2015

House Refurbishment Priority List

As you all probably know, my brothers and I have taken over ownership of my late Fathers house, in which two of us live. The house is really tired and needs a lot of work to be done. I was wondering if anyone else has done a refurb and has a priority list of things to be done.

In an ideal world the we would move out, gut the place and start from scratch but I'm afriad we just don't have the money for that, so it's going to have to be gradually when we have the money etc.

I'd love any tips of how to go about refurbishing, what should come first etc. My brothers will be no help at all, they have their heads burried in the sand. My brother who lives here, is very quick to tell me when something needs to be done, but will not nor ever organise it himself nor do it himself. Everything will be done to this lady to do. Stinkers aren't they!

Do you recommend I do a short DIY course at a local college to get a few things under my belt? I've already had advice from the Estate Agent, who said to either do it up top speck or just to make it liveable for us. We'll probably do the later as we don't have the money to do the first.

Anyway, I'd love any advice, tips, etc you can give.


House Refurbishment Priority List

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