mardi 1 septembre 2015

Weird looking tumor on bunnies

I have a young bunny (4 months old) that I noticed about a month ago that she was developing a tumor like growth on the tip of her nose. It didn't seem to bother her and it didn't seem to be causing her any pain so I figured that she might have poked it on a piece of wire or mosquito or spider bite. It hasn't gone away and seems to have stopped growing. It's about the size of a berry. In fact, it looks like a berry.
Tonight I noticed my young momma bunny has something growing in between her mouth and nose. It looks almost like the same things bunny #1 started out with. Then I noticed another bunny has the beginning growth as well.
What do you think this may be? I don't think it a bite from an insect.
It doesn't look like an infection either.
Any ideas?
Thanks for any help,

Weird looking tumor on bunnies

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