mardi 1 septembre 2015

Hi from Finland

Hi to 'yall, comms check from 60 degrees north. Been gathering intel in here for some time, but now stepping out from the dark.

I think I could be described as a hard core survivalist, been that from the cold war era for understandable reasons considering Finland's geopolitical situation between NATO and Soviet Russia. Living in the countryside in the middle of hunting grounds, self sufficient with water, not yet off the grid but getting there. Have friends with similar grasp of reality living around me, farmers, DIY tech wizards, blacksmiths etc. building a network of local people with whom you can build a small but viable community if anything dramatic happens to the current infrastructure. I believe in the power of a community, not running to the hills unless there's really nothing else left to do (like a barrel of a MBT knocking your front door).

Some military and PMC background, work on the side as a tactical/weapons instructor for an American company, currently an active reservist with war time duties at Naval Intelligence here in Finland. They don't let us old FAGs run around in the woods and shipyards with guns blazing anymore... :)

Hi from Finland

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