lundi 7 septembre 2015

Progressive/Liberal Nicknames?

We all know that Progressive Liberals create derogatory names for anyone who opposes their agenda. If you believe in a closed border ... you're a "Xenophobe." If you believe in traditional family and normal relations between men & women ... you're a "Homophobe." If you don't like Obama and his anti-American policies or if you're not a fan of the criminal activities of inner-city gangs then you're a "Racist." If you're opposed to legalizing Crystal Meth then you're "Oppressive."

So I feel it's time to turn the tables on the Libtards. What do you think?

Let's come up with some good terms for describing the Mushbrains who hate common sense tradition; the Constitution; and a man's right to oppose the idiotic philosophies of the far-left Troglogressives. :D:

Progressive/Liberal Nicknames?

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