jeudi 3 septembre 2015

New guy in Pennsylvania


My name is Mr. Generik, and I'm a developing prepper/survivalist/paranoid nutjob. Nice to meet you all!

I've known about prepping (thought not much) for a very long time, and I'm an experienced hunter, hiker, and veteran, but the actual practice of survival preparation is new to me. So, after I was able to pin down some specific questions I had, I thought I'd come on over and make an account here, since it seems to be one of the most active and informative forums out there about what I'm looking for.

A little about me, I'm a 28 year old man living in northwestern Pennsylvania. Veteran of the Navy, which provided me with more survival training than you'd think, but less than I'd like. So I'm here for some general advice (what camos suit what terrain, etc), as well as to learn and share anything that might be useful to myself or others. Keeping the world alive, right?

I hope I get what I need, and I hope I can even wind up helping others, too. Again, nice to meet you all, and I'm looking forward to some discussion!

New guy in Pennsylvania

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