samedi 5 septembre 2015

Hello from the Middle East!

Hello! My name's Alan. I'm from northern Iraq, studying engineering. As you may know, region I'm living in isn't exactly stable, so I decided I wanna start learning as much as I can just in case something happens, since I've always been a bit paranoid (according to the people that know me).

I know some things about a lot of things, I speak 3 languages, currently learning 2 more, and I can pretty much cook anything (except baking croissants, those are hard as hell to make).

I'm open-minded, not racist and I don't discriminate in any way, whatever preconceived notions you may have, you can toss'em out the window with me. You can ask me anything you'd like anytime, and I'll do my best to answer. I'm a nice guy (when I have my tea in the morning) and I've been looking to get involved in a forum for a while, and since many of my friends here don't really have the same mentality, I've decided to come here and join you guys. I've learned english on my own when I was 13 and I've been speaking it ever since, I love the language and I'm an avid reader, as well.

Hello from the Middle East!

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