mardi 22 mars 2016

Ship carrying 331kg of weapons-grade plutonium leaves Japan for U.S.

Ship carrying 331kg of weapons-grade plutonium, enough to make 50 atomic bombs, leaves Japan for US

March 22, 2016 05:53 GMT

"A ship carrying up to 331kg of weapons-grade plutonium has left the port in Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan for the US, where the material will be downgraded. The amount of plutonium carried by the vessel is enough to produce up to 50 nuclear bombs.

The nuclear material is being carried by an armed British vessel, operated by Pacific Nuclear Transport, and its exact route has been kept secret for security reasons. The purity of plutonium is so high that it could be easily used to make advanced nuclear weapons."

"The ultimate destination of the cargo is the Savannah River Site in South Carolina."

nobody better light a match on that ship!!

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Ship carrying 331kg of weapons-grade plutonium leaves Japan for U.S.

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