mardi 22 mars 2016

shooting on crutches

2 weeks ago I broke my foot/ankle pretty bad.

Found out yesterday that I can avoid surgery,but will be in a cast for 8 more weeks,and crutches/knee scooter for up to 4 months.(wheel chair not really viable)

I have ccw,but don't carry often,but have handguns in the car/house,nightstand all the time.

Mainly target shoot with the handguns,and hunt with the rifles/shotguns.

Other than the class,I don't have formal training/drills/skills,etc...but I like to shoot. the "cheap" day at the local indoor range 15$ an hour and rentals are 2.50$ I might go since I have time on my hands.I haven't gone there often(3 times?)never seen anyone in a chair,always standing.

Not sure if I have a specific question,or what I'm asking...but..

Should I try shooting standing on crutches,seated if its allowed?

Any "style" or something to practice?

One handed or 2?

Anything to look up on you-tube or the net?

Comments welcome,new situation for me,so I'm sure there are things I don't know to ask.

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shooting on crutches

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