vendredi 29 juillet 2016

Fake war on Terror. It's all to takeover weak governments and secure their resources.

Leaked email from Britam by Malaysian Hacker
Notice it was through Libya. It was later revealed the american consulate in Benghazi operated by Hillary Clinton was actually running a rat line of Gaddafi’s arsenals with the said CW into Syria. Why do you think Republican's keep bringing up her emails and Benghazi? Don't get me wrong Republican's and Democrats are both behind it. But how do you expose her without exposing themselves? After all George Bush started the whole thing.G-shell = sarin gas Used to justify war in syria. Hillary helped traffic the chemical weapon through a rat line in Benghazi. She also received large donations from the Saudi's and Qatar afterwards.

The war on terror is a war between the US and Russia over control of Global Oil/Gas supplies.

Russia and China are already making the switch away from fossil fuels to nuclear energy as the future of energy.
Carbon and uranium atom showing electrons orbiting nucleus. More electrons means higher energy output. Hillary has helped russia control global supplies of Uranium deposits. Even sold US mineral rights to russia for Uranium. Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to Russians along with one-fifth of our uranium ore

Here is more proof, I believe 9/11 was an inside job to create the war on terror as a false flag reason for an imperialist takeover of the middle east.

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Fake war on Terror. It's all to takeover weak governments and secure their resources.

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