dimanche 31 juillet 2016

Trump is a man that can be bait with a tweet


Just when I thought Trump was heading in the right direction, I see this! There is no question to me now that either this man is beyond stupid or is really trying to sabotage his own campaign on purpose. The Democrats are hitting the campaign trail this weekend right after the DNC convention in a ferocious arsenal of attacks against Trump and the Republicans. For the life of me, I cannot tell which side Trump is on. It looks like he is joining the Democrat's bombing campaign by giving them the ammunition needed to attack his campaign. Can someone please tell me what I am missing here. How is this in anyway politically smart?

It looks like Hillary hit the nail square on the head. Trump was easily baited and resorted to personal stereotypical alludes to the family of a fallen hero. She is right. This man is not temperamentally sound to be president. The proper response should be: "I thank them for their son's service and the sacrifice made for this country" instead of trying to create some sort of comparing contest. That is it and leave it alone. Again he allows the small petty attacks to side track him and get off message while the Democrat's anti Trump campaign is evolving every day and creatively painting a scary picture of him with his own help.

Can someone please tell me how this is going to help him?

The wrong man was chosen for this job Republicans!

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Trump is a man that can be bait with a tweet

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