dimanche 31 juillet 2016

What has to happen to turn the world upright again?

Another thread about a man in Helsinki, Finland getting 4+ years for using a knife to defend his own home from home-invaders with a gun and baseball bats, where the home invaders got just over a year, proves to me just how upside down the world is.

For the US, electing Trump, or Cruz, or anyone else isn't going to change the way judges rule, either here or abroad. Common sense isn't just uncommon, it's almost non-existent. But actually, those judges know how unjust their decisions are; they simply do it to support their greater agendas of turning the people into a labor force to serve the self-proclaimed elite.

So what do you think, in the next 5, 10, 20, 50 years, will it take to put things right again? How long do you think it will take? Or are we simply doomed to an age of unreason?

To me, I think it's a long-term struggle. Maybe it happens in the next 50 years but I also fear the masses won't wake up for even longer than that and it will take 50 years from when they wake up.

There is really only one hope, I think: we vote out every single congress person, whether we think they're doing well or not. We do it for a few elections straight until Congress gets the message that it is us for whom they work.

Even then, to do that, we have to deal with the addiction to government services. Is it possible to educate people out of poverty? I don't mean school; I mean to make them understand there are better options for them?

I'm afraid that if we can't do those things we're in for a hundred or even more years of a Robocop society. If that happens, how do we get out of it?

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What has to happen to turn the world upright again?

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