lundi 25 juillet 2016

Russians suspected of hacking Democratic National Committee emails

Hillary is a paid agent of the Saudis, who are nose-to-nose with Russia over Syria, and in a larger sense over all oil/gas development in the region. (Syria is the ideal transit path for oil/gas from Azerbaijan to the Mediterranean, and hence to Europe. Assad wants to do the pipelines, the Saudis want to prevent it.)

Trump on the other hand is very favorable to the Russians. His prime advisor Manafort claims to be BFF with Putin, and was the top advisor to Viktor Yanukovych, the Russian-planted Ukrainian president who got thrown out.

Up to now the US has been a vassal state of Saudi Arabia, If Trump wins, look for us to become a vassal state of Russia. They've been subverting our government since the FDR administration, and it looks like it might pay off this year.

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Russians suspected of hacking Democratic National Committee emails

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