jeudi 28 juillet 2016

Third party spoilers

This is for all those who think a turd party is the answer.


>> Let’s talk about guns. Back in 1993, you proposed some of the strictest gun controls in the country including a statewide ban on some forms of semiautomatic weapons and prohibit under 21. Do they fit in with a libertarian party platform that opposes, quote, all laws at any level of government restricting, registering, or monitoring firearms?
>> I’m a lifelong hunter and gun owner, and I don’t think those proposals were out of the mainstream at all. I distinguish between hunting guns and guns that really don’t seem to have any hunting purpose or potential purpose. So that was the distinction I was drawing there. I think Gary and I can find common ground.
In very short video, Johnson's VP pick is anti-gun. As governor he proposed some of the strictest anti-gun laws and was anti-gun up until this year!

by Alex Pfieffer


In 1993, Weld supported an assault weapons ban and in 2008 he endorsed Barack Obama.
Me personally, I too was pretty liberal and anti-gun when I was dumb and naive about 25 years ago, before I had a job, responsibilities, paid taxes, and knew how the world works. I've given Trump a pass for his 2000 statement supporting gun rights while also supporting the AWB. I, and Trump, have changed our views and are both pro gun. However Weld is STILL for a ban!!

No way would I consider voting for an Obama supporter and anti-gun grabber who is one heart beat from the Presidency (not to mention they won't even get 1% of the popular vote, so it's a waste).

More info on Johnson/Weld here:

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Third party spoilers

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