vendredi 29 juillet 2016

How to Prevent Vote Fraud

There is no question that vote fraud is out there. In the recent democratic presidential primaries there were indications of significant vote fraud occurring, particularly in New York and California. As has been mentioned, paper ballots are the best remedy, but it is clear that with the advent of electronic voting, the days of the paper ballot are on the wane. That said, I believe there are a number of steps that can be taken to minimize voter fraud. As follows--

1) Discourage early voting/voting by mail. This prevents ballots being "lost" in the mail and other mischief as those ballots will be sitting around for quite a while.

2) Possibly involving law enforcement as monitors at polling stations. Their main function will be to monitor technicians who come in to do "maintenance" on the machines during voting hours. There has been documented evidence that these technicians can actually wipe out the results on a machine by flipping a switch. Police can ascertain their identitiy and monitor what they are doing.

3) Educating county leaders to the problem and asking them to insure that voting results are known at each precinct before the results are sent to the county registrar's office. This prevents shenanigans from happening at the latter.

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How to Prevent Vote Fraud

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