samedi 28 janvier 2017

2nd American Civil War

For those of you who don't know me, I have extensive history and connections in leftist activism from previous movements, but I'm essentially a pariah now because I split with them when the the SJWs seized power from the older relatively moderate activists and went full authoritarianism. None the less.. I'm still in all those social circles and I see the discussions going on behind the scenes.

After a long progression, and seeing how things have settled out afterthe Trump election: We're headed for rebellion and possibly a full blown civil war. I've always been skeptical of that largely because neither side would be willing to fire the first shot. That is no longer the case. There is universal calls for, planning of, and efforts to conduct warfare within the left right now. And I don't mean that in the metaphorical sense. They are raising their army.

What's always held the left back in the past is that they knew they could never win in a violent conflict. Both because of a lack of skill, experience, and equipment, but also because of internal disagreement on tactics; being that most within the left would not engage in violence because they believed the greatest strategy was to hold the moral high ground and ruin support and assistance to their opponents. This is no longer the case.

Within the left the pacifists have been solidly silenced by a massive propaganda effort and intimidation (expressing even remotely pacifist views within the left right now can put you in physical danger and in danger of losing things like employment and other social and economic needs). Even people who were extremely vocal and dedicated absolute pacifists, are now reduced to at the very least openly providing passive support for political violence.

And of course the biggest limiting factor is that they have known that they do not stand a chance against a well armed and sufficiently skilled political rights and moderates. After countless efforts to disarm the right in order to reduce it to an inferior fighting force, the AnComs and such have moved to arming themselves. It is no longer a social taboo. Everyone accepts it as a necessary evil. But beyond the arms, the turning point on this front is that they now universally believe themselves to have such a massive majority of the population backing them that they have a significant military advantage. This due to propoganda efforts (the same ones that told them Hillary was going to win in a landslide) and because of a massive mobilization network. They believe they can mass so many people at one location so quickly that they can overwhelm defenders and seize their resources, disperse, and then strike again repeatedly until the right has been defeated.

Here's an example of what I'm seeing being said within activist circles:


History may occur in patterns but it's hardly predictable, least of all to the participants on the ground. In late October, no one really expected Trump would win. And tonight we are witnessing another unpredictable scenario--less than a week after the largest protests in US history, thousands of people across the country are shutting down airports to help their Muslim brothers and sisters. Make no mistake, what we're seeing is unlike anything our country has seen in decades. It's like Occupy and Black Lives Matter, immigration, and the nuclear protests all wrapped into one giant orange **** storm. I'm putting my chips on the table: Trump will be the first President brought down by a popular revolution...and it's going to happen in months not years. Obama's presidency bought mileage for the empire by assuaging liberals, but Trump is stepping on the gas with empty fumes. We are going to get our second revolution, and it will be spectacular.
This is not what I was expecting to see after a Trump election. I figured people would just get moody and ****y and whine and gripe, but eventually moderate themselves and return to the old left. I was expecting 4 more years of the left from the Bush years. Instead they've doubled down on everything and gotten far more extreme in their desire to forcefully impose their will on others and their belief that they have the power to successfully do so. These people are in a frenzy and they're now completing with each other as to who's the most militant and violent. That spiral will eventually escalate to a point of open conflict. I've never been so worried about a civil war as I am right now. And with my pariah status I'm concerned I worry I may very well become a target. It's enough that I'm out of the political debate for safety reasons, just like a couple years ago I had to pull out of street protesting for the same reason.

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2nd American Civil War

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