jeudi 26 janvier 2017

Ground rules

Ok so I'm no expert and have only been with god for a little over a year but wanted to clear up some things that I do know that others apparently don't by the posts I've seen.

If you believe the government the scientific community the pharmaceutical company's n.a.s.a or any other organization is good just remember SATAN CONTROLS THIS WORLD and his demons are in charge of running this show. If you watch t.v stop now it is useless satanic mind control.
Do not eat g.m.os they are made by one of the most demonic company's out there which is Monsanto who just merged with equally evil Bayer who 100% knowingly sold a.i.d.s tainted medicine to people.. The flouride in your water is toxic waste and should be avoided at all costs especially boiling it. And for you "Sunday Christians" who only pray to god when they need something and the rest of the time lead a sinful and disobedient lifestyle you are not a Christian.

If you voted for Donald trump OR Hillary you are either extremely deceived and need to pray long and hard for wisdom and guidance or...your just not a true Christian.

If you don't help the homeless your just a douche. Especially if your fat...

If you beat your kids you are a douche also.

If you smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol constantly you sin against your temple and only make yourself weaker.

Some people read the bible and when finished throw it in a drawer and forget it. We need the lords food in the form of his word everyday, even just a few passages read is better than going hungry.

I'm not saying I'm perfect or above anybody I'm just trying to help the body grow.

Hollywood is a purely satanic disgusting place. If you watch movies please stop now. You are unknowingly paying child rapists/killers money to see useless unprofitable most of the time vulgar sexual negative images.

The music industry is, as well infiltrated by the satanists and ALL mainstream music is produced by sad sad people that literally sold their soul to satan for fame and fortune most put messages in their music.

Now about the clones, I'm not gonna say I'm 100% certain and have undeniable proof there real but at this point in time I suspect it's true and for me I believe they have in fact cloned many many people namely...Dave Chappell, dr dre, Sammy Sosa, Michael Jackson to name a few....very few.

Please don't listen to negative music filled with cursing and hate it only makes satan stronger.

There is a universal conciousness that we all have access to and every emotion and feeling we've ever had in our life has been felt thousands of times over through the century's. love and hate are real energys that can be measured and studied. Every single thought and word is recycled, when you have a thought it goes to the end of the universe then back to you.

There are so many things in this world that people aren't told because if they were it would be riots in the street globally by morning. The elite cannot afford to share the things they know.

Why do you think all these million and billionaires are buying bunkers and small army's to protect them?

In this next little while maybe months maybe at most a year or 2 things are going to take a turn for the worse ( or so it will seem to most) a d biblical prophecy will be fulfilled more so and at a faster rate than it is being now.

Please join me in laying aside all distractions sins useless talk and actions and eat with me the word or god, put on the full armour of god to fight these demons. I forget the verse somthing like we don't wrestle with flesh but against spirits. The things that are coming people have died trying to expose. Whole family's murdered to keep quiet the destruction that is coming. We need to seek god to the fullest in these end times. Remember many people's hearts will grow cold and men will become weary and turn away from the creator, don't become one of them.

Gather with other Christians and pray all the time giving thanks and love.

That's it for now let me know if that was enough...

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Ground rules

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