vendredi 27 janvier 2017

Is Trump going to be a disappointment after all?

Ok, a lot of you are probably not going to like this thread, but I have been thinking about it, and it bothers me so I am going to post it. Maybe I am just being a pessimist, but it occurred to me to worry a little about Trump getting elected after all. I supported Trump practically from the start , voted for him in the primary ( in Florida, so it counted) , of course voted for him in the election , and was surprised and absolutely thrilled when he won.

But now, I am just a tiny little bit worried about how exactly all the things he is doing and planning on doing are going to affect us personally.

I absolutely dispised Obama but ultimately, now that he is gone I look back and can’t think of very much he did that affected me PERSONALLY. I am not talking about “the good of the country” here, I am just talking my immediate family , and myself. He did not take any of our guns away. Neither my husband nor self lost our jobs, and we made plently of money up until last year when we quit. We had no problem selling our house in Florida at a profit. I had no problem taking my 401k and cashing some in. We had health insurance ( good insurance) the whole time through our jobs. The times we did go to a doctor or hospital ( nothing major, no preexisting conditions ) we seem to have gotten good care and good doctors. Our taxes were high, but no higher than under Bush. The schools our kids went to both sucked before and after he got elected ( both private and public, maybe just where we lived) , nothing changed. WWIII did not start, nobody got drafted. No refugees or illegals attacked us, or took our jobs. The only thing that affected me personally was the ever present and allmighty EPA (mostly at work). But it was there before Obama.

So my point, he didn’t really do anything that affected me in a bad way personally .

Now I am wondering if anything Trump will do will affect us personally. I can already guess the price of tequila will go up  but other than that, I am not sure but I worry just a little. What IF what he does starts WWIII? Or makes prices of everything go up to some amount we can’t afford? Or? Am I just being paranoid? I would really hate it that my voting for someone that I think will be good for the country is going to affect me in a bad way personally.

I hate to say it but I voted for Bush and things were bad for us for a while personally while he was President. I hope this doesn’t happen with Trump.

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Is Trump going to be a disappointment after all?

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