mercredi 25 janvier 2017

Some unexplained mysteries possible answers

I did not want to hijack the thread about unexplained mysteries people would like to see explained, so here are a few 'explanations' that I came up with when the questions nearly drove me nuts thinking about.

I would like to know why humankind has stopped evolving, and why our leaders are doing nothing to resolve the problem and are in fact making it worse.
I am not so sure that humans have stopped evolving. I do think that there has been a bit of devolution going on, due to the medical advances humans have made that allow people genetic changes which produce many negative aspects in human physiology and psychology that would not have survived and reproduced, passing those changes on to additional generations. However, the same things that have produced those negative genetic changes are also still, just as they have over the millions of years of evolution of human, affecting humans, with advantageous genetic modifications.

Now, as the planet itself has changed over the millennia, and the amount of solar and other galactic radiation levels has fallen somewhat due to the increases in the magnetosphere to divert them and the atmosphere’s abilities to block them, the rate of mutations has fallen. But from the looks of things right now, the earth is approaching a time when those protections from outside sources of radiation will be decreasing, leading to a faster rate of mutations. And once a societal collapse takes place, and those life-saving and extending practices are no longer available, negative mutations will die off quickly and positive mutations will be passed on and multiplied.

I would like to know how to block gravity, so that mankind can realistically construct huge space craft and leave this rock for other life sustaining planets. and how to propell that craft at faster than light speeds, to enable transit between habitable worlds, in a reasonable time frame.
I do not think it is necessary to block gravity to allow humans to leave the earth and begin the exploration and colonization of this solar system and other in this galaxy, at least, and probably other galaxies, as well. There are methods of overcoming gravity to get away from objects that have a large influence, as well as create a substitute to allow humans to live comfortably in the ships that will travel to the other inhabitable worlds.

The ships need only to be able to achieve and maintain a constant acceleration to eventually reach near light speed, if not reach and then surpass it. Even at just near light speed, objects within one hundred light years or so can probably be reached in five generations or less of human travel in that one hundred year trip.

And that ability to achieve and maintain a constant acceleration is within humans’ grasp right now, I believe. Not to mention the ability to achieve earth orbit, construct orbiting bases from which journeys to the moon to set up bases to mine the elements needed to construct ships that can travel to Mars in order to set up the bases there that will be required to mine Mars and the asteroids to have the materials to construct the interplanetary ships.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?
I am fairly certain that the egg was first. There were various dinosaurs that were reproducing from eggs before there were chickens as we know them. As mutations continued to occur to that line of animals, bringing the results closer and closer to our chickens, that final mutation within the animals that were the immediate forebears of chickens occurred, thus the eggs they produced hatched out as chickens.
Just my opinion.

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Some unexplained mysteries possible answers

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