mardi 31 janvier 2017

Ethically Challenged DOJ Interim Director Fired

So if you are an employee asked to do something you object to, you may either resign or do your employer's bidding under protest. Acting against the interest of your client or your boss is not an option. The relics of the Obama Justice Department sank to a new low with Yates the acting AG.

No surprise the ethically challenged DOJ under Loretta Lynch, decides on a third option, working against her boss. Does anyone care about the personal opinion of their attorney they rely upon to do their job? Yates thinks her personal views are important more than her role as trusted attorney.

Acting Attorney General Yates stated:

"I am not convinced that the defense of the executive order is consistent with these responsibilities, nor am I convinced that the executive order is lawful,” Ms. Yates wrote in a letter to lawyers at the Justice Department, referring to her obligations as acting attorney general."

So she got fired. Like anyone would have expected.

Sen Blumenthal of Ct. lauded her dereliction of duty and deviation from the Ethical Code of Conduct.

Any wonder how Snowden, and others came to be, its those in high office who choose not to fulfill their obligations, (here to step down or do the job) and place themselves and their ego above their position. Any wonder how the DNC could all simply agree to rig the primary for Hillary Clinton? Any wonder how Donna Brasile simply decides to favor Hillary Clinton with questions prior to her debate with Bernie? Yates is of no particular importance or worth and will soon be forgotten, as just another errant employee with an ego so large they can't fulfill their function or obligations. She is symbolic of a Democratic Party without a moral compass, where the ends justify the means again and again and again.

So here's to Yates, a new low in attorney ethics. She is perfect for the modern Democratic Party. Look for her to run for office soon, or maybe get disbarred one or the other.

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Ethically Challenged DOJ Interim Director Fired

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