mercredi 30 septembre 2020

Good and bad weekend.

Long story short, got an M1 Garand back after 25 years.

Aside from an Ultimak mount and adjustable gas plug, what ideas do you have for putting it into service?

Already has a sling, have clips here somewhere.

And no, not going to sell it for something "better", so no point wasting the time and ink to put that down.

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Good and bad weekend.

Exploitation & Sexualization of Young Girls on Netflix's "Cuties"

Default Exploitation & Sexualization of Young Girls on Netflix's "Cuties"

Absolutely disgusting, I canceled my Netflix account over this.

Disabled Preppers Group
For those of us who are disabled, whether it be SSDI, SSI, Military, family members who are disabled and would like to discuss with others on how we might be able to get through today's times, SHTF or joining a MAG and what challenges may be faced with that.

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Exploitation & Sexualization of Young Girls on Netflix's "Cuties"

Live Trump Rally in Duluth Minnesota


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Live Trump Rally in Duluth Minnesota

Pompeo rebuffed by Pope on China issue


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Pompeo rebuffed by Pope on China issue

Racism Against White (Male) Individuals


Originally Posted by Martial Lawyer View Post
I have business in the city (just under 500k population) a couple times a year. I usually try to rent a particular house in an area I feel comfortable in instead of getting a hotel room. When walking through the neighborhood, there was a young woman
18-22 year old) walking down the sidewalk towards me. She crossed the street before we crossed paths and then proceeded to come back over to my side after I was well past her. Although she was also white, I can’t help to think that she was afraid of me being a white male in my early 30s with a camo hat on.

Anyone else experiencing what seemed to be a generalization of your personal character based solely your race/gender?

It's just a sign of our times. Women under 40 have been indoctrinated to be terrified of men. I'm a very talkative and approachable person and will strike up conversations with men or women anywhere whilst standing in lines, or in public spots, whatever. Over the years this has gotten progressively harder with women who figuratively run away in tears if a man tries to engage them in human interaction.

Whether it's too much "Lifetime" television or social media or too much self-absorption in their phones or music blaring in their earbuds, or whatever, they are incapable of just being a confident person and engaging in human interaction. Nearly all women I see in public either have their faces buried in phones or tablets, or are off in their own world listening to their earbuds.

It really is a sad state of affairs.

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Racism Against White (Male) Individuals

Renewing driver's license on line

In my state, it's possible to renew a driver's license on line. I just did it last month.

To initiate the renewal process, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles requested that I email my birth certificate to them. I did, and within half an hour they sent me a link I could use to print a temporary license. My laminated-card license arrived via US Mail about ten days later. I'm good to go for another four years.

They used my old picture on the new license.

I'm posting this here, in the Coronavirus subforum, because why expose yourself to the virus by going to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and dealing with people? If you can renew on line, you won't have to.

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Renewing driver's license on line

Trump refused to condemn the evil white supremacist!!!

Or so we are told by the liberal propaganda machine.

Liberal propagandists claiming that Trump refused to condemn the so-called white supremacist are telling a big whopping lie because he has, but what's far worse is that the loaded question the liberal propagandist Wallace asked is based on a much bigger lie.

White supremacist is liberalspeak for patriot; when the liberal calls you a white supremacist he is calling you a patriot. This is based on common usage, and to those who have not succumbed to liberal indoctrination it's obvious.

Just look who the smiling liberals on TV call a white supremacist: if you do not blindly accept liberal dogma, especially but not limited to race dogma, they call you a racist, and they have many forms of that word, one of them being white supremacist.

Go to the liberal site Wikipedia and look up the terms black pride, Asian pride, gay pride, and white pride. You will see that the first three are said to be very good things, but the last one is a very bad thing, defining the person who has it as the most repugnant of all heretics, a racist. (It's been a little while since I did this so it is possible that they've changed it, but I doubt it.)

Liberal propaganda is filthy with racism, demonizing the white man like the National Socialists demonized the Jew. The liberal cult has been fanning the flames of race hatred for decades, but that effort has increased exponentially lately; all this is done to further its agenda: it depends on the 90% black voting block and indoctrinated white liberals, and it thinks increasing race hatred will energize those blocks.

Only indoctrinated cattle are led by this mass deception. And because the lie is so obvious to any thinking person, the liberal press is in effect calling its viewers stupid by taking part in this big lie.

They are right though in many cases: there is a huge herd of cattle that really does swallow whatever the smiling liberals on TV feed them. The coming election will tell us just how big that herd is.

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Trump refused to condemn the evil white supremacist!!!

The New ITS TraumaQuick Rapid Access System Trauma Kit


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The New ITS TraumaQuick Rapid Access System Trauma Kit

Biden was wired for the debate

From an article on The Gateway Pundit

Biden had a wire on the right side of his jacket, and possibly a medical injection device on his left wrist.

Trump was interrupting Biden so he could not hear his handlers speaking to him.

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Biden was wired for the debate

Salvation. is it easy or difficult and nearly impossible to obtained?

IMO one of the most important question to believers. I would ask EVERYONE to be respectful to each other even if they don't agree with your position and understanding. I hope/pray this could be a learning experience and broaden my own knowledge. So check the ego stuff and let's learn from one another.

There seems to be two major schools of thought on this question with many shades of grey.

A) Salavation is the free gift of God even in our sinful imperfect condition. It's simply asking and God like any other parent who sits on the edge of His seat waiting to unite with a wayward child. He isn't willing any should parish and understand our struggles. God even sent us His son to die a horrible death in our sinful stead. To suggest God sits with a giant chalkboard to keep scrore of human failures and looks for ways to cast us into hell is false. Even the Apostle Paul struggled with being good and there are many indications he never defeated all his own personal sin and wickedness. All have fallen short and we are all on a journey to please him but never make perfection. We are made Holy by Him, not the other way around. It's by grace, nothing we can do to add to ourselfs. It's a free pardon.

B) Salvation comes through a narrow gate that only a few find it. It's a life of the constant unknown and we'll never know if we were good enough until we stand before Him. We are told to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling". We should live in a constant state of fear and desperation that we aren't good enough or do enough good works. Salvation will only be granted to a few and the vast majority of Christian believers will be cast into hell's fire because their faith was deemed to weak and their walk to shallow. He will in fact spew out the luke warm which is most people.

Your thoughts please...

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Salvation. is it easy or difficult and nearly impossible to obtained?

Recommend Audible books

Well, I have hundreds of audible titles in my library so hard to pick a few unless I know what you are looking for

"Dies the fire" by SM Stirling is my favorite survivalist/prepper book. Pretty much the 'bible' of my approach to prepping philosophy.

"Wolf and Iron" is another on that I like.

"Grey", more good prepper fiction.

"The Gun" is one of my favorite military history books.

"The most important idea in the in world" is good non-fiction on the industrial revolution.

"14" is probably my favorite paranomral/thriller of all time and really good as an audiobook. It's one I listened to all in one sitting on drive back from Alaska.

The Destroyermen series is a favorite military sci-fi
As is "Expeditionary force"

The Mountainman series is my favorite zombie series.

"Pandora's Star" is one of my favorite scif-fi series, along with "The Hyperion Cantos" (re-listening to Pandora's Star right now)

For fantasy the "Mistborn" series is a favorite.

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Recommend Audible books

limits on downloading survival files

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limits on downloading survival files

mardi 29 septembre 2020

1200 9mm for sale IL

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1200 9mm for sale IL

1st presidential debate Poll!


Originally Posted by Hick Industries View Post

Who won? Bernie. Bernie won.
It should now be completely obvious to every liberal in America, that the DNC chose the wrong cannidate again.
I am not sure who is going to win in Nov, but I am certain Biden was the worst possible choice.
Its like the DNC wants Trump to get elected, and if he could keep a civil tough in his mouth, he would be.
My guess is we will see a record low turn out of Democrat voters.

I admire your optimism and hope you are right. I do think the left's mail in fraud, which we're already seeing laws broken with is something to worry about. Also, for the last 4 years the media has done nothing but one big smear campaign on our president. We see through it but remember all those people that voted for a charismatic socialist in 2008? They are still here and I fear will be just as quick to go out to vote against Donald Trump:/

I held my nose while voting for him in 2016 but my attitude has changed and this will be the first election I vote for someone, rather against someone else.

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1st presidential debate Poll!

Cop Schools Defund Person


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Cop Schools Defund Person

Presidential Debate Drinking Game

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Presidential Debate Drinking Game


corps issued several types. (I was medically Retired in 2009, but doubt this has changed.)

Both clear lenses and tinted. (Interchangeable lenses)

some guys would of lost eyes to frag except for them.

My experiences were more mundane, but made an impression.

One night I got saved from having a branch through my eye in an orange grove (the perhaps 1/2 mile near the rivers are incredibly green, rice paddies, orange groves, bananas and date palms) because even with a lost clear lense I had one eye covered by clear, and 1/2 of "sunglasses at night"
That sunglasses lense saved my eye. Had a painful scratch on my face for the next week, (was not moving slow) but I'll take that any day.

To this day I keep pairs of safety glasses, both tinted and clear all over, and I wear them whenever I am doing most anything.

That wasn't the first time either.... Just the last.

We got issued ear pro too (lawsuit right now because apparently they sucked)
I and another buddy wore our own, and pretty much 24/7 outside the wire.
We are the only ones who came back with "no preceptable hearing loss"
-which is BS, but I am far better off than most, and do not have constant ringing in my ears.
I have a pair of safariland in a small case in my pocket right now that are similar to the pair I wore on Iraq and do not interfere with conversation level sound, but cuts out loud noises.

Minimal situational aware loss and after the first round is fired I have BETTER situational awareness.

I put them in when I need to fire even one round unsuppressed, or if the GF (she likes the vibrations of base cranked way up) wants to play the music loud or other damaging decibles.

I like hearing the wind and the birds, and when you shoot as often as I do.... It adds up

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Annihilator Broadheads Review + Video


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Annihilator Broadheads Review + Video

Anderson AR-15 Lower w/ LPK, Multi-Cal - $93.99


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Anderson AR-15 Lower w/ LPK, Multi-Cal - $93.99

Review: Savage Renegauge Semi-Auto 12 Gauge Shotgun


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Review: Savage Renegauge Semi-Auto 12 Gauge Shotgun

Setting up the MEP-003A as a standby generator

Now for the main panel. Previously, we had a large package unit heat pump with a dedicated 100a feeder from the main 400a panel. Since upgrading our HVAC by deleting the package unit and going to a pair of 3 head minisplits, we now only needed 2 20a breakers feeding the units.

I pulled the old panel for the HVAC units and swapped in an outdoor 100a load center. This contains the 60a feed breaker from the generator (which will get an interlock evenutally).

I also added a 30a RV style outlet and breaker that is on the same bus as the fridge and freezer breakers. That way when we need to stay quiet, I can power the necessity items on our tiny 3500w inverter unit that sips fuel.

The little panel on the left is the RV 30a outlet.

The panel on the right is fed directly from the generator. This is the "load bank" panel we will use for running the unit monthly. This way, I can apply a 50-90% load to the generator without changing any wiring, etc. It's also tapped before the 60a breaker in the panel which means I don't have to shut off power to anything in the house to exercise the genset. The genset has a built in breaker so everything is well protected.

Our load bank consists of a small barrel with 3 3800w water heater elements. Eventually, those elements will be plumbed into a solar water heater heat exchanger tank so we aren't wasting energy.

Anyways.. It's all but finished and am happy overall with the outcome.

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Setting up the MEP-003A as a standby generator

Why Now? This fall will be unlike anything we've ever seen.

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Default Why Now? This fall will be unlike anything we've ever seen.


Originally Posted by Mark Mallett


In all the years of watching and praying, I have never seen such a convergence of specificity in private revelation as we are now. Seers from around the world who do not know each other, who speak different languages, who have different callings and backgrounds… are now saying virtually the same thing all at once: time is over (by this is meant the “time of grace” Our Lady has referred to in her apparitions, not the end of time as we know it). The world is going to change and will never be the same again.

Moreover, all of the recent messages from Heaven seem to be converging upon this Fall. So, either these prophets from around the world are deceived en masse—or we are about to see serious events unfold shortly over the next few months.


Brothers, sisters and children, this time must be one of great reflection: many continue not to listen to the messages that come from heaven through Me and my Most Holy Mother. From autumn onwards, other viruses will appear. Look at what is happening in my Church; the behavior of my priests is under the indifferent gaze of those who say that they have faith… —Jesus to Gisella Cardia, June 30th, 2020


Tell everyone that God is making haste, that this is the right time for your great return. Do not leave for tomorrow what you have to do. You are heading towards a future of great trials. —Pedro Regis, September 22nd, 2020


Life will never be the same again! Humanity has obeyed the directives of the global elite and the latter will continue constantly scourging humanity, only giving you brief moments of respite… The moment of purification is coming; the disease will change course and will reappear on the skin. Humanity will fall over and over again, being scourged by misused science together with the new world order, which is determined to render inert whatever spirituality may exist within humanity. —St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria, Sept. 1st, 2020


Pray that the suffering would be lessened, as the light in their hearts has now gone out. My dearly beloved children, gloom and darkness are about to descend on the world; I ask you to help me even if everything must be fulfilled—God’s justice is about to strike…. You have presented good as evil and evil as good… Everything is over, yet you still do not understand. Why do you not listen to my Mother, who still gives you the grace of being near to you? —Jesus to Gisella Cardia, Sept. 22nd, Sept. 26th, 2020


My dear people of God, we are now passing a test. The great events of purification will begin this Fall. Be ready with the Rosary to disarm Satan and to protect our people. Make sure that you are in the state of grace by having made your general confession to a Catholic priest. The spiritual battle will begin. —Fr. Michel Rodrigue in a letter to supporters, March 26th, 2020; Note: contrary to false rumours, Fr. Michel did not say the “Warning” is this October; he is on record saying he does not know when it is.


My child, I can no longer hold back the hand of justice for a world that is seeking a correction because mankind has lost his consciencousness of sin. —Jesus to Jennifer, August 24th, 2020

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Why Now? This fall will be unlike anything we've ever seen.

Dry Eye

I have severe dry eye in my left eye. I'm not sure of the exact cause, but I have autoimmune issues and recurrent left eye infections, a minor retinal tear (fixed by laser) and vitreous humor detachment that is pulling on the retina. Right eye is fine.

I'm using drops, but they last for about 3 minutes. The gel lasts longer, but predictably results in blurry vision.

I've had the plugs placed in the tear ducts. Helped for a bit.

Any thoughts?

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Dry Eye

Polymer 80 G19 issue

I thought I'd give the Polymer 80 G19 a try. I have never owned a Glock so this is all a learning experience for me. I assembled the lower and that was straight forward and easy. Once that was built, I put on a stripped slide and it went on easy, no binding and was a nice fit moving freely. I assembled the slide and it will not go on the lower, It stops shortly after going on to the rear rails. I removed the barrel and guide rod and it still will not go on. The slide lock bar is facing the correct orientation.

I've searched and can't find anything on this specific issue - by chance have any of you run in to this? If so, what was the issue/fix?

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Polymer 80 G19 issue

lundi 28 septembre 2020

Opinions on Dan Wesson?

Yours should be good (I have a model 14)

DW is one of those companies who rode a roller coaster of broke to prosperity back and forth and excellent to shoddy quality and back again.

Most of the time however they were good to go. (I just won't bu y one I can't check over myaelf.)

Highly accurate and popular with silhouette shooters/long range.
No doubt you know about the ability to swap barrels.

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Opinions on Dan Wesson?

I am absolutely tired of people's virtue signaling.

This was posted here by someone. And it pretty much sums it all up.

Anonymous letter to Liberals:

Electing in your opinion, a rude obnoxious unpredictable narcissist (your words, not ours) to the office of President of the United States — because we consider you to be the most dangerous & destructive group in America.
How is that possible you might ask? Well, you have done everything in your power to destroy our country. From tearing down the police, to tearing down our history, to tearing down our borders. From systematically destroying our schools and brainwashing our kids into believing socialism or theoretical communism is the answer (despite the horrible failures that began as socialism or theoretical communism and led to the dictatorships of Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Chavez, Maduro & others) while demonizing religion and faith, and glorifying ********, violence, and thug culture.
From calling us racists because we think all people should be expected to follow our laws equally, to telling us that our “tolerance” of lifestyles we don’t agree with isn’t nearly enough — no we must “celebrate” any lifestyle choice or gender option (forget science) you throw our direction. You think it’s fine to call us homophobic, or some other degrading slur you decide is okay, ironically while lecturing us on hate speech. While you gaslight us about 52 genders, polyamory, grown men in dresses sharing public locker rooms with little girls, and normalizing the sexualization of young children, you simultaneously ridicule us for having the audacity to wish someone a “Merry Christmas” or hang a flag on the 4th of July, stand for the national anthem, or (horror of horrors) wear a MAGA hat in public. So much for your “tolerance.” (See why we think you are just hypocrites??)
We’re also not interested in the fact that you think you can unilaterally decide that 244 years of the right-to-bear-arms against a potentially tyrannical government should be abolished, because you can’t get the violence in the cities you manage under control..... that free-speech should be tossed out the window, and that those who disagree with your opinions are fair game for public harassment or doxing.....that spoiled children with nose-rings and tats who still live off their parent’s dime should be allowed to destroy cities and peoples' livelihoods without repercussions..... that chaos, and lawlessness, and disrespect for authority should be the norm. This is your agenda. And you wonder why we find Donald Trump's policies to be desirable.
Your narrative is a constant drone of oppressor/oppressed race-baiting intended to divide the country in as many ways as you possibly can. You love to sell “victim-hood” to people of color every chance you get because it’s such an easy sell compared to actually teaching people to stand on their own two feet and taking personal responsibility for their own lives and their own communities and their own futures. But you won’t do that, you will never do that, because then you will lose control over people of color. They might actually start thinking for themselves, God forbid!
This is why we will vote for Donald Trump. Not because he is the most charming character on the block. Not because he is the most polite politician to have ever graced the oval office, but because we agree with his policies & are sick to death of you and all of the destructive crap you are doing to this once beautiful and relatively safe country. Your ineffective and completely dysfunctional liberal “leadership”(?) in some areas has literally destroyed many of our most beautiful cities, businesses & jobs & destroyed or severely reduced the effectiveness of our public education.
However bad you may think Donald Trump to be, every day we look at you and feel that no matter what Donald Trump says or does there is no possible way he could be any worse for our country than you.
We are sick to death of your stupid, destructive, ignorant, and intolerant behavior and beliefs — parading as “wokeness.” We are beyond sick of your hypocrisy and B.S.
We are fed up with your disrespectful divisiveness and constant unrelenting harping and whining and complaining (while you live in the most privileged nation in the world), while making literally zero contributions of anything positive to our society. Your entire focus is on ripping things down, never ever building anything up. There is something fundamentally wrong with people who choose destruction as their primary modus operandi.
When Donald J Trump is reelected & we celebrate, don’t blame us, look in the mirror and blame yourselves. Because you are the ones that are responsible for the rise of Donald Trump. You are the ones who have created the need for the policies that you so despise, by your very actions. By your refusal to respect your fellow Americans, and the things that are important to us.
You have made fun of the “fly-over states,” the people who “cling to their guns and religion,” the middle class factory workers and coal miners and underprivileged rural populations that you dismissively call “yahoos” and “deplorables.” You have mocked our faith and our religion. You have mocked our values and our patriotism. You have trampled our flag and insulted our veterans and treated our first responders with contempt and hatred.
You have made environmentalism your religion, while trashing many cities you control. You scream from the rooftops about “global warming” and a “green new deal” while allowing tens of thousands of homeless people to cover your streets in feces, garbage, needles and plastic waste, without doing a single thing to help them or solve the environmental crisis your failed social policies have created. But we’re supposed to put YOU in charge of the environment while gutting our entire economy to institute this plan when you can’t even clean up a single city?? You complain — endlessly — yet have failed to solve a single social problem anywhere. In fact, all you have done is create more of them.
We’ve had enough. We were tired of quietly sitting by and being the “silent” majority. So, you should not have been shocked when Donald Trump was elected in 2016.
When Donald Trump is reelected it will be because you and your “comrades” have chosen to trash the police, harass law-abiding citizens, and go on rampages destroying public property that we have all paid for and for which you have zero respect. When Donald Trump is reelected it will be because we are sick of your complete and utter nonsense and destruction.
So on the morning of November 4 (or more likely December 29 by the time the Supreme Court will weigh in on the mail-in ballot fiasco we are headed towards) when Donald J. Trump is reelected........the only people you will have to blame is the left-wing media drones and yourselves. You did this. Yep you.
Author not disclosed

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I am absolutely tired of people's virtue signaling.

I think I'm going to have to plug a hole...

I know its kind of ugly, but is the lock really that bad?

I have, have had, a number of S&W's with the lock over the years, and a couple of those guns have been shot a lot and constantly, including a couple of 642's, 686's/620, and a 629, and Ive never once had an issue with the lock.

Then again, Ive never put a key in one, and maybe thats why?

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I think I'm going to have to plug a hole...

Make sea salt


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Make sea salt

Manual water pump

Here's the scenario...

SHTF and I go remote with my pickup and camper. I drive 200 miles out in the country, onto a dirt road and find a dirt, water tank that normally provides water for cattle.

I need to get that water into my RV Camper.

I have searched for a hand, rotary pump... but the only ones I find are built for fuel.

What is the best advice for moving 50 gallons of water from a pond/water tank.... into my RV water tank?????

And lets assume I need that effort to be manual.... not electrical.


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Manual water pump

THIS MAY be one of the better ideas for a BOV

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THIS MAY be one of the better ideas for a BOV

American Tactical Introduces New FXH-45M Moxie 1911

American Tactical Inc just introduced the all-new FXH-45M Moxie 1911 pistol. The FXH-45M Moxie looks and feels different with an all-new barrel, slide, and sight set from a standard 1911 pistol. The Moxie also features a new hybrid design combining a polymer frame with an alloy upper. Will this new addition to their already extensive […]

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American Tactical Introduces New FXH-45M Moxie 1911

Remington Asset bids -- Ruger gets Marlin

The "big names" are all basically just entities of some corporate conglomerate these days and have been that way for a long time now. Some eras are better than others, but most have been continually going downhill more so than up hill.

Like anything else, most things made in the "good old days", or at least, the "good eras", were always better, and I dont think thats really changed.

All we can do, is see what may come of this. I wouldnt put to much faith going forward on just the "names" though.

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Remington Asset bids -- Ruger gets Marlin

AGM Global Vision Announces Huge Partnership Expansion

AGM Global Vision is an Arizona based night-vision and thermal optics development and distribution company. Recently they announced a new, massive partnership expansion that will bring their vast array of products to a number of new retailers. The Partnership expansion is set to go into effect fall of 2020 so we should expect to start […]

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AGM Global Vision Announces Huge Partnership Expansion

"Locked Snake" Stopper Knot aka 2 strand stopper knot

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"Locked Snake" Stopper Knot aka 2 strand stopper knot

EMP Packaging?

Apologies in advance if this was missed in my search...

I am of a mind that war w China, Russia, Iran, etc. is imminent and I believe there's a good chance of a Pearl Harbor type EMP attack on our grid in November. I think our fellow Americans will starve, freeze, and kill each other off.

That said, I've been looking at several solutions;

1. the big ammo crate w/ a foam lining as to keep devices from making contact w/ metal. Can I just seal it off with metal tape? OR does the paint need ground off the lid and sides? I've seen where folks removed the gasket but mine are really melted in.

2. galvanized trash cans w/ liners and sealed with metal tape.

3. Is it possible to take large items like my solar panels; wrap them in cloth and then wrap that in aluminum foil and seal all the seams w/ metal tape?

4. Has anyone made a large faraday cage big enough for a UTV?

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EMP Packaging?

Protecting generator winter/snow/rain

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Protecting generator winter/snow/rain

dimanche 27 septembre 2020

Social distancing app

I was watching the nightly news and they ran a story from England. It seems some engineer has made some app that detects if you are closer than the accepted social distancing. It from there lets out a loud whistle "reminding" you to move away. The technology ties in all the other phones and computers in use around you and tracks you and them to alert you. This is about as brilliant and those people in Spain who are voluntarily allowing themselves to be chipped. In their opinion it's a great thing because they don't have to carry cash to pay their bar bills. They just swipe their wrists across the reader and the transaction is approved.

Yeah, what could go wrong with that? Just another way to track people who are going against the newly formed accepted norms. Now they will have proof and digital tracking records. Don't conform? Don't obey their lockdown rules?Don't follow along with the rest of the sheep? Wait for that knock on the door so you can come in and answer for your transgressions. Download that app, it's a great idea after all...

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Social distancing app

Virus, no money and short on food

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Virus, no money and short on food

NYT claims to have Trump's Tax Returns


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NYT claims to have Trump's Tax Returns

James Woods posts the good stuff

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James Woods posts the good stuff

TRAIL BOSS it available....???

I think because a lot of folks don't use it or are unfamiliar with it that its been one of the few I've seen the most of. Varget was hard to find for a while but have seen a good bit of it in "local" stores over the past few weeks. Same with Ramshot. Once the weather turns cooler I'll be firing up the casting pots and need to refill the bullet cans (qt cans I store my powder coated/sized cast bullets).

Want to get a lot more of the brass loaded and off my workbench and into ammo cans ready to go.

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TRAIL BOSS it available....???

desktop version

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please make the desktop version button more easily accessible. your mobile version is ridiculously slow. even worse than dial up. I clear cookies automatically when I exit my browser, so that won't help. when I login on my mobile device, a necessity for the foreseeable future, the exit mobile version is visible for less than a second then gone. according to ghostery, you have a ton of scripts running on the mobile version which slows everything down to slower than a snails pace. thanks

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2010 yd record pistol shot


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2010 yd record pistol shot

Hawaii Will Fine Gun Owners For MOVING?

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Hawaii Will Fine Gun Owners For MOVING?

How is this board doing?

When this site was sold was there an agreement not to change any rules? I understood one rule when a single owner was the originator. Everyone has his proclivities. One would think there would be a push for greater membership. A lot of people have come and went since I joined. I wonder if they keep statistics on the number of different posters per day, week, month.

I admit my proclivities to certain subjects may give me a false impression on the above.

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How is this board doing?

When will the ammo return???

After the election. Or not (could get worse).

Ya'll shoot straight and stay safe out there.



K. R. Carleson - Navigator B-24J

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When will the ammo return???

Tarpi Tent- Teepe in backpack!

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Tarpi Tent- Teepe in backpack!

Tarpi Tent- Backpack Teepee

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Tarpi Tent- Backpack Teepee

Next Steps towards November

I've been posting here for several years. I've read many survivalist books, and reviewed many of the threads here. I'm sort of an average prepper. I may have 3 months of some food, 12 or more of others. Have defense tools, and BOBs, medical stuff, and lots of flashlights, water preps covered as well.

I live in a townhouse on a courtyard. Very near the police station. Winter will get very cold starting in late October

I am trying not to go to much further into debt, but do have things I'm thinking over, and trying to decide which is most important - worth the money. I'm trying not to spend my cash right now since I would like to save up a couple of thousand in cash before election day. So everything is going on a card.

Here are some of my ideas, I would appreciate your thoughts on which are most important.

1. 2 or more Baofeng UV-5R radios

2. Inergy Flex 1500 Solar "generator" & solar panels

3. Body armor and carriers for me, wife and teenage son.

4. 100 pack of sandbaggie sandbags

5. Kerosene heater or Mr Heater F274865 F274865

6. Greater food stores

I appreciate any constructive thoughts. Thanks guys! I'm just at a crossroads right now.

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Next Steps towards November

samedi 26 septembre 2020

Parris Island and San Diego

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Parris Island and San Diego

My New Food Storage Pantry

Finnally made some real progress with my new pantry. When I built my new house, I left one of the basement rooms unfinished, with the intent of turning it into a pantry. The pantry room measures 9ft by 11ft, and has power and lights. This is a walk out basement, constructed with a solid concrete slab floor and an ICF walls. This keeps the temperature in the basement in the mid 60s yr round.

Since this was the last unfinished room, it had gathered a great deal of construction trash, and unused insulation pannels. Took a full day to clean it completely. Next, I moved in my large chest freezer. A chest freezer exhausts heat into the room as it runs, but so far this has not warmed up the room much.

This weekend I purchased a couple of 48" wide commercial storage shelves, and installed them on one wall. The room has enough room to for matching pair of shelves on the ajoining wall.

Since my wife and I have been living in a 5th wheel camp trailer while building the new house, we dont have enough canned goods to fill the first two shelves. Perhaps 3-4 months worth. I plan to buy more canned food.

But my big plan is to start canning my own meat and produce using a bunch of jars, and a pressure cooker we got from a neighbor. This neighbor has been processing 5-6 white tail deer every year, and has recipies for yummy venison dishes. Since each hunting license comes with six deer tags, and the area supports large herds of deer and feral hogs, I hope to store a large precentage of my yearly meat.

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My New Food Storage Pantry

Cost of original M65 GI jacket?

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Cost of original M65 GI jacket?

Man camping licked by cougar. Possible?

Default Man camping licked by cougar. Possible?

I saw on YouTube a man claimed when he was camping, a cougar passed by him when he was asleep and licked his face before moving on. Could that be true? I'm also wondering if it was maybe an adolescent cougar.

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Man camping licked by cougar. Possible?

Amy Coney Barrett

Funny enough, but I just got a Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation email that not only criticized Justice Barrett, but the message comes with a donate button, which subsequently forwards me on to Act Blue. I don't see anything suggesting that I cannot contribute.

Are there not laws against foreign money going towards US political activity? As a foreigner it's not my issue to resolve, but if this is a forbidden practice I think that some people may want to raise that with their elected officials.

In any event, this is all the more reason to endorse Barrett.

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Amy Coney Barrett

Joe Biden Super Creep song


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Joe Biden Super Creep song

New Member from NEPA

Hello all. Coming in from NorthEastern PA. Prepared State of Mind since 2001 (1st of 6 children born was born 5 days after 9/11)

Looking for a place to keep and share my mistakes and learnings from over the years.

I look forward to connecting with everyone.

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New Member from NEPA

PSA Uppers/Lowers

I built a 16" carbine in 5.56mm with all PSA parts. Free float M-lok handguard and the enhanced polished trigger. Nothing fancy, but a little better than basic. The whole thing was around $500 because I was very patient waiting for deals. Added a 3x prism optic and it shoots 1 MOA.

Reliability.... No idea yet. Haven't shot it enough to say. Plenty of guys out there who have, though.

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PSA Uppers/Lowers

Group buying is back at Emergency Essentials

I don't work there or get paid anything by them.

I got an email saying group buys were back by popular demand and thought some here might want to look into it.

From their website


Group / Bulk Buying Program
Buy Group Items in Bulk and Save Even More, Plus Get Free Shipping!

There is Power in Numbers. That statement is never truer than when you’re talking about preparedness. When families, friends, and communities share work together to prepare, everyone grows in their ability to rise above misfortune and disaster. And best of all, these groups leverage buying power, becoming more prepared for a lot less .

More info can be found here

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Group buying is back at Emergency Essentials

‘Super food’ aronia/ chockeberry

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‘Super food’ aronia/ chockeberry

CFTC, 30 States Charge Los Angeles Precious Metals Dealers in Ongoing $185 Million Fr

Yet another Silver and Gold scam.

The complaint alleges that, from at least September 1, 2017 to the present, the defendants fraudulently solicited and received over $185 million in customer funds–including more than $140 million in retirement savings–from at least 1,600 persons throughout the United States for the purpose of purchasing precious metals bullion.

The defendants targeted a vulnerable population of elderly persons with little experience in precious metals. Through their fraudulent solicitation, the defendants deceived customers into purchasing precious metals bullion at grossly inflated prices that bore no relationship to the prevailing market price. The overcharges averaged from 100 percent to more than 300 percent over the prevailing market price. In the end, nearly every customer lost the vast majority of their funds deposited with the defendants.

As the complaint alleges, to perpetuate their fraud, when questioned by customers about the value of the precious metals bullion they purchased, the defendants falsely claimed that the precious metals bullion were rare and carried a premium far above the base melt value. In fact, the precious metals bullion was significantly less valuable than the defendants claimed.

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CFTC, 30 States Charge Los Angeles Precious Metals Dealers in Ongoing $185 Million Fr

Cherokee Purple: The Story Behind One Of Our Favorite Tomatoes

a 'new heirloom' i might try...i actually was going to cross cherokee on to my oxheart type tomato called jerusalem to get a purple type one. but it seems already been done by accident or on purpose who knows...but this might be of interest if you like cherokee maters.

Cherokee Purple Heart Tomato

A 2013 Victory Seed Company Introduction

90 days, indeterminate — The regular leaf plants are upright and well-branched with good leaf coverage. Good yields. The medium sized (up to twelve ounces) fruits are nearly identical to 'Cherokee Purple' in coloration and flavor except that they are heart-shaped. Very tasty.

Discovered by Rock Angier (NC AN R) of North Carolina in 2006 growing among his 'Cherokee Purple' plants. After a few years growing it out and observing that it remained true-to-type, Mr. Angier contacted Craig LeHoullier, the introducer of 'Cherokee Purple', about this variant. At Craig's suggestion, Rock sent us seeds in 2011.

After several years of grow-outs, we observed this variety to be completely stable and introduced it to the gardening public in 2013. Each packet contains approximately 20 seeds.

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Cherokee Purple: The Story Behind One Of Our Favorite Tomatoes

Microsoft Office and WIN10 Compatibility

I am semi-retiring my 32 bit WINXP computer primarily because of browser issues. I have a newish HP desktop with latest WIN10.

I need to buy a newer 64 bit copy of Office so that I can replicate what I had with the old machine MS Office 2003 which worked just fine thank you.

Well I don't want Office 365. I don't want to subscribe or do anything on the "cloud". No cloud...

I want to BUY / OWN a legit Office copy retail or e-bay that provides Word, Excel , Powerpoint.

What Office versions from earliest to latest are compatible with latest 64 bit Win 10?

I also need Visio. What versions earliest to latest will work? I also need to import early versions of Visio drawings made under Visio Professional 2002.

Frankly I would install this old stuff if WIN10 would let me. I have tried, its a pain.

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Microsoft Office and WIN10 Compatibility

Tempered steel

I am not the author of this TRUE story, though I knew her (deceased) and her family . I am posting this here as I think the content is relevant to the current political climate and it begins with the authors father getting involved with the wrong side of history. I don't wish to spoil this, but it is a harrowing account of Germany during the Nazi occupation. Unfortunately there are folks who want a Civil War in this country and this book tells what can happen to the innocent. This is a very cheap e-book , perhaps free to Prime members. I am hoping it goes viral. Please pass it on to family and Friends.

"This gripping account begins in the year of 1938. Hilda, her sister Ruth and her little brother Arnold lived with their parents in Detroit, Michigan. Hilda’s, father whom the children called Papa, was a cabinet maker. Papa was laid off from work and his prospects for further employment were grim. He had heard from the German American Federation *, the promises of good jobs in Germany. He decided than to move the family back to his homeland, sold their home; all their possessions, and then boarded a steam ship to Germany. This is the story of Hildegard, her family, and the struggles they faced in Nazi, Germany."

*correction is mine

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Tempered steel

vendredi 25 septembre 2020

More Proof Of Past Mail In Voter Fraud

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Default More Proof Of Past Mail In Voter Fraud

This was in the local news today concerning Voter Fraud with mail in Ballots from the 2018 Elections which put a Dem in office when a Rep was tying with him In Early and Election Day Votes.

This is the gist of it.


Gregg County Pct. 4 Commissioner Shannon Brown and three others have been arrested in connection to an organized vote-harvesting scheme during the 2018 Democratic primary election, according to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Brown, 49, along with Charlie Burns, 84, and DeWayne Ward, 58, all of Longview, and Marlena Jackson, 50, of Marshall, were booked today into the Gregg County Jail.

According to indictments in the case, Brown was charged with 23 felonies:

Engaging in organized election fraud
Seven counts of fraudulent use of mail ballot application enhanced
Two counts of unlawful possession of ballot/ballot envelope enhanced
Eight counts of election fraud enhanced
Five counts of tampering with a governmental record with intent to harm or defraud

And from the same link


Brown's win came after a dead heat in early and Election Day vote totals was broken by his five-vote lead after a count of provisional ballots. Votes for brown numbered 73.4 percent of the absentee mail-in votes.

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More Proof Of Past Mail In Voter Fraud

Home On The Range #006: How to DOUBLE your Compost Heat Benefits

Welcome to our reoccurring series of “Home on the Range.” Here, we would like to share all of our experiences for those who may be homesteading, living off the land, hunting, farming, ranching, and truly investing in nature and the great outdoors. The ability to provide for yourself and your family can be tremendously rewarding […]

The post Home On The Range #006: How to DOUBLE your Compost Heat Benefits appeared first on

Read the full article here...

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Home On The Range #006: How to DOUBLE your Compost Heat Benefits


Hello. I am wondering if anyone here is relying on Obamacare for health insurance or has lost insurance through their work because of losing their job. Given that Obamacare will soon disappear with the new Supreme Court, what will folks do for health insurance? Or will you do without? Thank you.

p.s. We should probably also say if we're on Medicaid or Medicare. I am on Medicare because I am in my 70s. As someone with cancer, heart disease, glaucoma, and a few other bad boys, I am glad I have it.

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Watching Trump Rally in Virginia.

Courtesy of Right Side Broadcasting Network.

I only recently found these guys, but they're following Trump's rallies, broadcasting them live, and are most emphatically NOT leftists. Figured that if I'd only recently found them myself, there might be a few others kicking around who didn't know, so I wanted to get the word out.

Their live rally coverage often doesn't show up in the Youtube search algorithm (go fig...), but it's definitely worth watching. :D

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Watching Trump Rally in Virginia.

rossi m971 6in. barrel holsters


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rossi m971 6in. barrel holsters

Military Votes Cast for POTUS Found Discarded in PA


Originally Posted by DisgruntledPatriot View Post
You were dealing with a unique circumstance and you damned well know it.

NOT the same as going off base at Ft. Bragg and going downtown.

Be intellectually honest.

Even if you’re stationed at Fort Bragg, your home of record could be any state. You can maintain official residence, drivers license, CCW permit, hunting/fishing license, pay taxes, and vote in another state. You could legitimately be stationed in Georgia and legally vote in Alaska or Hawaii. The entire reason these ballots are a concern is because many servicemen and women are in this situation. If legal military votes weren’t counted, I want the people responsible in prison.

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Military Votes Cast for POTUS Found Discarded in PA

Looks like Ron Paul just had a stroke while doing a live podcast.

Asprin thins blood.

With a stroke, it would depend if it's a ischemic or hemorhaggic.

Asprin probably would not be good for hemorraghic stroke, i.e. aneurysm.

Hopefully Paul had a TIA, which can clear up quickly, but could be a precursor to more serious problems.

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Looks like Ron Paul just had a stroke while doing a live podcast.