mardi 29 septembre 2020

Why Now? This fall will be unlike anything we've ever seen.

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Default Why Now? This fall will be unlike anything we've ever seen.


Originally Posted by Mark Mallett


In all the years of watching and praying, I have never seen such a convergence of specificity in private revelation as we are now. Seers from around the world who do not know each other, who speak different languages, who have different callings and backgrounds… are now saying virtually the same thing all at once: time is over (by this is meant the “time of grace” Our Lady has referred to in her apparitions, not the end of time as we know it). The world is going to change and will never be the same again.

Moreover, all of the recent messages from Heaven seem to be converging upon this Fall. So, either these prophets from around the world are deceived en masse—or we are about to see serious events unfold shortly over the next few months.


Brothers, sisters and children, this time must be one of great reflection: many continue not to listen to the messages that come from heaven through Me and my Most Holy Mother. From autumn onwards, other viruses will appear. Look at what is happening in my Church; the behavior of my priests is under the indifferent gaze of those who say that they have faith… —Jesus to Gisella Cardia, June 30th, 2020


Tell everyone that God is making haste, that this is the right time for your great return. Do not leave for tomorrow what you have to do. You are heading towards a future of great trials. —Pedro Regis, September 22nd, 2020


Life will never be the same again! Humanity has obeyed the directives of the global elite and the latter will continue constantly scourging humanity, only giving you brief moments of respite… The moment of purification is coming; the disease will change course and will reappear on the skin. Humanity will fall over and over again, being scourged by misused science together with the new world order, which is determined to render inert whatever spirituality may exist within humanity. —St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria, Sept. 1st, 2020


Pray that the suffering would be lessened, as the light in their hearts has now gone out. My dearly beloved children, gloom and darkness are about to descend on the world; I ask you to help me even if everything must be fulfilled—God’s justice is about to strike…. You have presented good as evil and evil as good… Everything is over, yet you still do not understand. Why do you not listen to my Mother, who still gives you the grace of being near to you? —Jesus to Gisella Cardia, Sept. 22nd, Sept. 26th, 2020


My dear people of God, we are now passing a test. The great events of purification will begin this Fall. Be ready with the Rosary to disarm Satan and to protect our people. Make sure that you are in the state of grace by having made your general confession to a Catholic priest. The spiritual battle will begin. —Fr. Michel Rodrigue in a letter to supporters, March 26th, 2020; Note: contrary to false rumours, Fr. Michel did not say the “Warning” is this October; he is on record saying he does not know when it is.


My child, I can no longer hold back the hand of justice for a world that is seeking a correction because mankind has lost his consciencousness of sin. —Jesus to Jennifer, August 24th, 2020

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Why Now? This fall will be unlike anything we've ever seen.

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