jeudi 24 septembre 2020

Dems to Introduce Bill to Limit Terms of SCOTUS Judges


Originally Posted by ManyFeathers View Post
Yeah they want to pack the SCOTUS with more judges

Admit DC and Puerto Rico so there's more Dems

They can't win on a platform, they have to change the rules so they win every time

THIS! I'll say it again, THIS! There platforms sucks. Same reason they always move moderate around an election as no one with an ounce of gray matter would vote for these kooks if they ran on what they actually stand for.

Voting for illegals, felons, those under 18...admit more "states", abolish electoral college, terms limits (while it suits them), welfare/freebees, so on and so one. They just keep trying to rig the game until they have enough groups subservient to them that they will never lose an election. Then, they can run the whole country into the ground based on their utopia vision that has failed every single place its tried.

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Dems to Introduce Bill to Limit Terms of SCOTUS Judges

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