jeudi 24 septembre 2020

Leftists burn down Trump supporter's house


Originally Posted by 4X4 View Post

Now that to me sounds like some very confused people from the tolerant left. They spray paint biden 2020 but have an anarchists symbol right next to it. That just does not mix together. The Burn Loot Murder graffiti doesn't seem to add up either. In looking at the writing it looks like it was probably done by a young girl given the style of writing. My guess would be this was done by some young stupid kids that will get caught and have their lives ruined because they were easily led into playing stupid games. This just doesn't look like the job of some of those people that have really consumed the Kool-Aid and are acting on it.

Doesn't make them any less dangerous. Brooklyn Center is a pit,hope these people get out. We turn down all jobs from the Cities.

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Leftists burn down Trump supporter's house

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