dimanche 27 septembre 2020

Social distancing app

I was watching the nightly news and they ran a story from England. It seems some engineer has made some app that detects if you are closer than the accepted social distancing. It from there lets out a loud whistle "reminding" you to move away. The technology ties in all the other phones and computers in use around you and tracks you and them to alert you. This is about as brilliant and those people in Spain who are voluntarily allowing themselves to be chipped. In their opinion it's a great thing because they don't have to carry cash to pay their bar bills. They just swipe their wrists across the reader and the transaction is approved.

Yeah, what could go wrong with that? Just another way to track people who are going against the newly formed accepted norms. Now they will have proof and digital tracking records. Don't conform? Don't obey their lockdown rules?Don't follow along with the rest of the sheep? Wait for that knock on the door so you can come in and answer for your transgressions. Download that app, it's a great idea after all...

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Social distancing app

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