mercredi 30 septembre 2020

Trump refused to condemn the evil white supremacist!!!

Or so we are told by the liberal propaganda machine.

Liberal propagandists claiming that Trump refused to condemn the so-called white supremacist are telling a big whopping lie because he has, but what's far worse is that the loaded question the liberal propagandist Wallace asked is based on a much bigger lie.

White supremacist is liberalspeak for patriot; when the liberal calls you a white supremacist he is calling you a patriot. This is based on common usage, and to those who have not succumbed to liberal indoctrination it's obvious.

Just look who the smiling liberals on TV call a white supremacist: if you do not blindly accept liberal dogma, especially but not limited to race dogma, they call you a racist, and they have many forms of that word, one of them being white supremacist.

Go to the liberal site Wikipedia and look up the terms black pride, Asian pride, gay pride, and white pride. You will see that the first three are said to be very good things, but the last one is a very bad thing, defining the person who has it as the most repugnant of all heretics, a racist. (It's been a little while since I did this so it is possible that they've changed it, but I doubt it.)

Liberal propaganda is filthy with racism, demonizing the white man like the National Socialists demonized the Jew. The liberal cult has been fanning the flames of race hatred for decades, but that effort has increased exponentially lately; all this is done to further its agenda: it depends on the 90% black voting block and indoctrinated white liberals, and it thinks increasing race hatred will energize those blocks.

Only indoctrinated cattle are led by this mass deception. And because the lie is so obvious to any thinking person, the liberal press is in effect calling its viewers stupid by taking part in this big lie.

They are right though in many cases: there is a huge herd of cattle that really does swallow whatever the smiling liberals on TV feed them. The coming election will tell us just how big that herd is.

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Trump refused to condemn the evil white supremacist!!!

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