mercredi 30 septembre 2020

Salvation. is it easy or difficult and nearly impossible to obtained?

IMO one of the most important question to believers. I would ask EVERYONE to be respectful to each other even if they don't agree with your position and understanding. I hope/pray this could be a learning experience and broaden my own knowledge. So check the ego stuff and let's learn from one another.

There seems to be two major schools of thought on this question with many shades of grey.

A) Salavation is the free gift of God even in our sinful imperfect condition. It's simply asking and God like any other parent who sits on the edge of His seat waiting to unite with a wayward child. He isn't willing any should parish and understand our struggles. God even sent us His son to die a horrible death in our sinful stead. To suggest God sits with a giant chalkboard to keep scrore of human failures and looks for ways to cast us into hell is false. Even the Apostle Paul struggled with being good and there are many indications he never defeated all his own personal sin and wickedness. All have fallen short and we are all on a journey to please him but never make perfection. We are made Holy by Him, not the other way around. It's by grace, nothing we can do to add to ourselfs. It's a free pardon.

B) Salvation comes through a narrow gate that only a few find it. It's a life of the constant unknown and we'll never know if we were good enough until we stand before Him. We are told to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling". We should live in a constant state of fear and desperation that we aren't good enough or do enough good works. Salvation will only be granted to a few and the vast majority of Christian believers will be cast into hell's fire because their faith was deemed to weak and their walk to shallow. He will in fact spew out the luke warm which is most people.

Your thoughts please...

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Salvation. is it easy or difficult and nearly impossible to obtained?

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