mardi 29 septembre 2020

1st presidential debate Poll!


Originally Posted by Hick Industries View Post

Who won? Bernie. Bernie won.
It should now be completely obvious to every liberal in America, that the DNC chose the wrong cannidate again.
I am not sure who is going to win in Nov, but I am certain Biden was the worst possible choice.
Its like the DNC wants Trump to get elected, and if he could keep a civil tough in his mouth, he would be.
My guess is we will see a record low turn out of Democrat voters.

I admire your optimism and hope you are right. I do think the left's mail in fraud, which we're already seeing laws broken with is something to worry about. Also, for the last 4 years the media has done nothing but one big smear campaign on our president. We see through it but remember all those people that voted for a charismatic socialist in 2008? They are still here and I fear will be just as quick to go out to vote against Donald Trump:/

I held my nose while voting for him in 2016 but my attitude has changed and this will be the first election I vote for someone, rather against someone else.

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1st presidential debate Poll!

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