mercredi 30 septembre 2020

Recommend Audible books

Well, I have hundreds of audible titles in my library so hard to pick a few unless I know what you are looking for

"Dies the fire" by SM Stirling is my favorite survivalist/prepper book. Pretty much the 'bible' of my approach to prepping philosophy.

"Wolf and Iron" is another on that I like.

"Grey", more good prepper fiction.

"The Gun" is one of my favorite military history books.

"The most important idea in the in world" is good non-fiction on the industrial revolution.

"14" is probably my favorite paranomral/thriller of all time and really good as an audiobook. It's one I listened to all in one sitting on drive back from Alaska.

The Destroyermen series is a favorite military sci-fi
As is "Expeditionary force"

The Mountainman series is my favorite zombie series.

"Pandora's Star" is one of my favorite scif-fi series, along with "The Hyperion Cantos" (re-listening to Pandora's Star right now)

For fantasy the "Mistborn" series is a favorite.

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Recommend Audible books

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